
NUS Bizad Club

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If i dropped marketing during Y1S2, can i leave it till Y3 then take it? since it is a core mod anyway

Hi there, yes, you may take it in Y3. However, this is provided that you do not get preallocated the mod in between!

Hi there, I can't make it for NBC as I will be on vacation. What's the difference between NUS Business Orientation Week (O'Week) and NBC? And is the slots for O'week camp limited?

Hello! NBC is a social camp with an emphasis on giving our freshmen opportunities to make new friends and have fun with their batch mates! O'Week is more of an orientation camp that will introduce freshmen to the academic system of NUS Business School and its facilities, and at the same, also give them the opportunity to meet and bond with their future classmates. There is a greater number of slots available for O'Week as we will try our best to accommodate as many freshmen as we can.
Both camps are very fun and exciting, and it would be ideal if you can come for both NBC and O'Week! :) However, if you are unable to come for NBC due to your vacation, do sign up for O'Week, as well as RAG camp and our Flag activities! These will give you the chance to meet and get to know more of your batchmates in NUS Business School!

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If you apply for SEP during may/june period, when will the results be known?

Hi there, sorry for the long wait! There is no set time period for which results will be made known; it is made on a rolling basis!

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What would happen if i decided to skip a seminar without loa/mc? Would my grade be affected?

Hi there, terribly sorry for the long wait! Your grades will be listed as an F if you skip your modules without a valid reason. Hope that answers your question!

Can Accountancy students go for SEP in Y2S2? Will it affect our compulsory internship?

Yes, it will. Most BAC students go for their compulsory internships in Y2S2 and therefore have to have their SEPs pushed back to Y3S1.

Will i be able to appeal for marketing in y2s1 if i have dropped it this sem?

Yes, you will be able to! Make your appeal through CORS at the appropriate time :)

what are the modules for year 2 BBA?

Hi, year 2 BBA modules are not preallocated entirely, some will require you to bid/appeal for it! So it depends on your own choice!

Hi, may I know if the dates for this year's NBC is out? :)

Hi, NBC'2016 pre-camp will fall on the 6th of June, while actual camp will be from the 8th to 11th June!

Is there a need to keep previous semester textbooks or can i sell them away? Thanks for taking the time to answer our questions!

Hi there, textbooks from your previous modules can be sold away as the content will no longer be covered in subsequent modules, except DSC1007 as the same text is used for DSC2008.

Hi, Can I shedule my tutorial after a lecture that is at utown and not biz? Is it ok if I ask the lecturer for permission to leave the lecture 20mins earlier in case it overruns? ><

It is always advisable to leave some time for travelling between class venues, but lectures should end 20 minutes earlier by default and if it does not, you could take your leave quietly. It is unlikely that the lecturer would want to receive an email from you for leaving the lesson 20 minutes early as this is an extremely common practice and most lecturers should understand if you leave the lecture hall 20 minutes early.

What happens if i fail to attend my bfs2001 mod, am i required to retake it another sem?

Yes you will be required to take it in the subsequent semester until you achieve a CS grade :)

Hi! May I know if the additional vacancies for under the new gem/gek codes for the year 1s will be released to the old gem/gek codes during round 3?

This is unlikely. There is a strict control over the percentage of seats to be released for the old and new codes. However, you can still appeal for the old code (if you can only read the old codes) and if there are unused seats for the new codes, the seats will be used to satisfy the demand for the old codes. Hope that answers your question!

GEMs are different for the newer batches. When will the older types of GEMs be phased out? (i.e. would there be administrative problems if you were currently a Year 2, and delay your graduation by 1 semester? I would need to take GEMs in my final semester.)

Yes, the old GEMs will slowly be phased out but the University will only completely totally phase out the old GE codes when all the students from the older cohorts have graduated.

Hello, does anybody have the pdf copy for Business Analytics - Data and Decisions? Thank you:)

Hi there! You may obtain PDFs of your textbooks from your peers or through Carousell :) We do not provide the transfer of academic documents over the ask.fm portal.

Hello! I logged into cors today but i do not see the tutorial for my gem module under tutorial summary. Would it appear only in round 2? Thanks in advance!

Balloting for GEMs will only start in Round 2 on 15th January :)

How does NOC work in terms of modules? I read that only 8 MCs are for discipline-based course and the rest are internship and entrepreneurship courses. So the rest can be used under UE modules? And is it common for BAC students to go for NOC?

Yes, you will be able to map the rest under UEs. NOC's sole requirement is that all modules taken at the affiliated university must be mapped back to NUS, hence it goes under UEs.
Less than 10% of the BAC cohort goes for NOC :)

What if I have successfully bid this GE module and got it but i regret now, can i drop the module and get back my bid points?

You may drop the module by the end of Week 2 with a 50% refund of your bid points :)

Hi, for SEP, what do ppl usually map overseas? E.g how many biz modules or gem modules?

Hello! Students are encouraged to map their UEs/breadth modules overseas so that they can afford to be flexible in their module selection and take courses on SEP that are not available at NUS. However, you may also map business-related modules.
The module master list is available at: http://bba.nus.edu/exchange_application.html
The quantity of modules, or more specifically, the number of MCs that may be mapped overseas, is variable from university to university and students are required to read up on the partner university's website for exchange students as there is often a maximum number of credits offered and other restrictions.

when it comes to selection for summer program esp vancouver summer program, do they take in account your cap?

CAP is not taken into account for when applying for most summer programmes; you only have to be a full-time NUS student for longer than a period of one year. However, your CAP should be minimally 3.0 to be considered and to avoid academic concerns raised by the BBA Office.

Hello. Are we allowed to do more than the minimum MCs required for graduation (e.g. read 168 MCs worth of modules for a 4-year programme)? Would there be any change in the way our CAP is computed if we do so? Thank you.

Taking more than the minimum MCs required is allowed and in fact, a regular practice amongst students. Your CAP will be calculated as per normal, taking into account your extra modules because no module can go unaccounted for unless it is S/U-ed.

Will they still allocate points to our P and G account if we are on our exchange semester?

Students who are away on LOA/SEP/NOC would not be credited with any bid points in their accounts for the affected term(s).

Hi, how can I swap lecture slots for a module (i.e. same mod different timing)? Do we use the table attached in the email from Mr Low Joon Kiat or is that only for swapping of the whole allocated basket?

Yes, you can use that table.

Hi, may I check if there is a need to purchase any textbooks for dsc2008 and es2002?

Hi, for ES2002 there is no textbook. However, every week there will be readings sent by the professor that you can refer to.
For DSC2008, it depends on the coordinator for this semester, as some may request students to purchase a compulsory textbook. You can check your student email as the professors should have already sent out an introductory email to all students.
This is the link to the details of DSC2008, including the recommended reading list: https://ivle.nus.edu.sg/lms/public/view_moduleoutline.aspx?CourseID=BBA94417-64D5-4723-87F4-4E26BEA0DBC0&ClickFrom=StuViewBtn

Hi, may I check if there is a need to purchase any textbooks for dsc2008 and es2002?

Hi, for ES2002 there is no textbook. However, every week there will be readings sent by the professor that you can refer to.
For DSC2008, it depends on the coordinator for this semester, as some may request students to purchase a compulsory textbook. You can check your student email as the professors should have already sent out an introductory email to all students.
This is the link to the details of DSC2008, including the recommended reading list: https://ivle.nus.edu.sg/lms/public/view_moduleoutline.aspx?CourseID=BBA94417-64D5-4723-87F4-4E26BEA0DBC0&ClickFrom=StuViewBtn


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