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lebih sering kepoin mantan yg mana kak?

yang taylor swift. kasian dia susah moveon :( jadi harus dikepoin tiap berapa jam takut dia silet nadi

Di jakarta kan banyak socialites nih.. Menurut kamu, sebenarnya apa sih manfaat keberadaan socialites bagi masyarakat disekitarnya? Dan apakah menurut kamu, socialite itu bisa diakui sebagai sebuah 'profesi'?

aduh terlalu serius pertanyaannya. otakku ga nyampe.

What's so good about solo mid?

in dota, solo mid gives you more exp and enables you to showcase your skill more.
it's lonely though.

Kent inget ga kejadian memalukan sekaligus romantis diantara kita waktu kita di walmart & nginep bareng di chicago? *wink*


sudah pinter bikin meme ya lo

kerjaan 9gag tiap malem sampe ga bisa bikin meme gue kencingin hape gue non

Milih mana, keju lembaran atau keju balok?

keju lembaran buat roti tawar, keju balok diparut buat martabak

padahal baru nge-ask sekali, malah dibilang banyak maunya #nasibanon

waduh maap. nik ga tidur? nik udah mam? nik ga capek nik? bsk beraktivitas kan nik? jomblo ya nik? ga ada yang bilangin goodnite ya nik? pukpuk.

perdue itu di negara bagian mana?

di dusun west lafayette, indiana non. kalo mau dimsum mesti ngesot 2 jam ke chicago dulu.

Kent gimana kalo ga bisa tidur selain ngitung domba?

coba handstand 1 menit. konon kata nyokap gue, abis handstand peredaran darah lebih lancar terus jadi gampang tidur.
ga tau lagi kalo gue dibohongin nyokap.

ko, lo di bully pertanyaan mesum kok malah hepi menikmati gitu sih kayaknya

asal ga menganggu orang lain gue gapapa. kalo tanyanya jelek2in mantan/orang2 lain baru gue ignore.

business math lulusan US kok malah jadi penulis. I cant get it weww ._.

wah gue nyari sesuap nasinya jg bukan nulis doang sih -___- iya kalo udah sedewa jkrowling, tinggal kentutin keyboard jd duit

ko kamu lulusan apa sih? jawabannya jgn ngibul ya

jurusan grogol slipi ehe ehe.
jurusan business math non.

how's your feeling when you make a novel ??

writing a novel is not an overnight process. writing is easy, the hard part is rewriting it. to answer your question, it's a very tiring and tedious process.
but it's fun. and that's all that matters.

oo abis non kayek kk tau aje eke cewe ato cowo...? coba tebak

kynya sih xx.. duh pertanyaannya susah. coba anonnya dimatiin dulu, ntr gue pasti bisa jawab.

bicarain apa nih? sbenernya di bbm bisa sih uda ada kontak

jennifer elim
wah rupanya bukan troll. sry i thought my friend was pulling a prank.
anyway. mending jangan ketemuan.
konon katanya cewek2 yang kenal aku itu melewati fase 4K.
1. kagum (km masih di tahap ini)
2. kaget
3. kecewa
4. kepaitan (kebanyakan org udah di tahap ini)
biarkan kamu kagum selamanya, jangan sampe kepaitan :')

What's the worst kind of pain you've known?

wah pertanyaannya pake proper punctuation and capitalization, ampir gue pikir pertanyaan dari ask.fm.
to me, the worst kind of pain isn't physical because physical pain will subside after a few hours. (unless, of course, you accidentally chainsaw your hand or whatever)
so that implies that the worst kind of pain is emotional. and since I'm the kind of guy who doesn't think much, i rarely get hurt emotionally. that's why i think the worst kind of pain is when i inevitably have to hurt someone, like having to break up when i no longer see a future with them.
hope that makes sense!
Liked by: Hartono Sugiono

kk paling takut binatang apa?

tergantung non takutnya takut gmn. secara psikologi sih takut kecoa gara2 mamaku dulu teriak2 tiap kali liat kecoa, jadi udah terprogram untuk takut kecoa sejak kecil.
secara fisik takut godzilla.

LHO SERIUS INII plis pol? adain jumpa fans sby dong psti byk yg dateng tmen2ku blg situ ganteng suwer ga boong (a-b-b-a)

hai kamu
saya merasa tertipu
coba anonnya dimatikan dulu
baru kita berbicara lebih lanjutu.

adain jumpa fans dong di sby? suwer tekewer2 pingin ktemu ntar aku ajakin tmen2 biar dpt kenalan situ

ini puisi berima a-b-c-b ta?
duh ngadano jumpa fans onoke ntik dirajam. wedi aku.

why you prefer small? i mean, most of guy choose the opposite

i assume we're still discussing about bosom (or boobs, if you prefer a more vulgar term).
this post might contain vulgarity and honesty. if you find it uncomfortable, scroll along.
1. small boobs don't sag when the owner grows old.
2. they don't strain the girl's back as much as the big ones. owner of big ones tends to have more back pain than smaller ones as they get older.
3. they're more perky and elegant (preference, but i think so).
ultimately, breasts are just lumps of fat. i have no idea why we guys like them so much. but we have our own preference and it just so happens that mine is small.
god i hope this answer doesn't make me sound like a pervert.

how did you manage to answer these questions so ingeniously? teach me kaka

i don't sense any sarcasm in your question. can i take that as a compliment?
konon katanya cewek tuh naksir cowo yang either tampan atau lucu. dan karena option pertama agak mustahil untuk tercapai, gue unconsciously berusaha jadi lucu. berhubung gue masih jomblo, kynya masih kurang lucu non.

big boobs or small boobs?

aha, trick question! whatever my answer is, i would still sound like a pervert.
i prefer small, though.

What is love?

love is like a rubber band stretched by two people, each trusting the other person to hold on and not let go.
that's why when one person lets go, the other person gets hurt.
Liked by: Sylvia Tjan

koko kent lebih suka gaya doggy style ato missonary kak?

tanya lagi kalo udah bisa ngespell missionary ya non.


Language: English