

Ask @ohbaeks

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based on the reputation of c sites do you think lightme and white2do are trustable, do you think it's safe to order from them?

both seem pretty safe to me but i won't buy from w2d

What is your favorite love story movie?

not really a love story movie but i personally like les miserable and then new years eve!

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I have an exam tmr but idk what time it is HAHAHAHA

LANA PLEASE -_______- why are you like that ahhaha plesse don't be late for your exam or connie will kill you

What was your favorite toy as a child?

didn't really have one but i was obsessed with soft toys - i still am - i used to have tea parties with mr bear and princess poodle lmaooooooo

hey hey hey do u think luhan /might/ displace baek as your top bias??? ahaha

that's highly unlikely hahaah given that i already don't have time to stan anyone else besides baekhyun OTL

jaw dropper lu = yes to this HAHAHA you forgot that he's a visual, too, besides being a singer and dancer (: there's no wonder kyungsoo looks at him with such reverence in his white-rich eyes @_@ haha XD

hahahahhaha yes well HANSOO YAY hahahhahaha i like watching luhan interact with other members ;u; it's just nice sigh

baekhyun, luhan, everyone else → LOL to this hahahahahahaha now you made me curious how you spazz over luhan HAHA

ahhahah UHM WELL i had a crisis last year when i started spazzing over luhan i can't remember why but yeah ahahahaha i spazzed to friends over skype and apparently i was really noisy yehet

what do you think of b as a dancer? where would you rank him in exo based on dancing skills?

he's not bad tbh he has a certain flow to him when he dances and it's pleasing to the eye. he's definitely not as sharp as jongin or yixing in executing powerful moves but he has the baekhyun groove that makes you wanna groove with him. his angles aren't that good either but that mostly comes with experience imo c:

baek is really a genius tho, wud u agree? i mean, the way he's so gud with words and creating the mood, and the way he can just connect ath with eth.. i mean, not all can do that, rait? not even those with innate variety skills.. he's just.. really born for the stage ^o^ gurl we stan a legit pro XD

well it's been known that his personality has always been so spontaneous ever since he was little so i guess it doesn't come as a surprise but yeah i do thing that he's really good with words and he thinks really fast on the spot which is critical for variety shows so yep HE'S GOOD ♡
Liked by: Mason Creep.

ohmygosh he's actually SECOND!!!???!?!?! oh well, i guess this is enuf proof that byunbaek rili got u spazzing so so much of him haha wat do u like about luhan by the way?? (:

yeah he is ahhahah i just really like his personality and the way he takes care of everyone. he's a good singer, good dancer it's just enjoyable just watching him. i like the way he laughs too hahahah jaw dropper lu!
Liked by: ♥Acacia Cutie♥

how did you react when byunbaek explained the glorious story behind kkaebsong?? hahaha

i choked although i expected something that doesn't make sense i DID NOT expect him to use it for everything and omg why am i stanning him щ(゚Д゚щ)(屮゚Д゚)屮

where does luhan stand in your bias list? (i was a lil surprised that you chose him, alongside sehun as your fave dancer, bcoz yes, ur right, he doesnt usually stand out in dancing, but it also doesnt mean he's not a great dancer bcoz he really is) ^__^

i hardly talk about him bc baekhyun takes up most of my spazzing but yeah luhan's 2nd on my bias list (not that i'd announce to everyone) haha i actually admire him a lot ;u;

favorite dancer in exo

sehun/luhan i can't choose. i personally really like sehun's lines and he looks good in all kinds of dance bc of his built. jealous of people with good lines bc they look clean while dancing. and luhan bc he just has that factor somehow although he doesn't really stand out compared to the rest of the dancers. i like his angles a lot!

chewing really loudly, talking really loudly = baek?

if you see it that way lmao xD but i wasn't referring to him hahahah

what are your pet peeves?

people who chew really loudly when they eat, people laughing really loudly or talking really loudly during lectures

can i have ur bg pic? :-)

here you go, it's not mine technically i got it from tumblr but i can't remember who made the edit so yep THANK YOU WHOEVER MADE THIS PRETTY EDIT


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