

Ask @ohbaeks

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Jiayou Bagwa!! Sobs next thing you know you and @hyukbaek will be dating T_T Y'all grow up so fast.

con has a lot of suitors ehehehee she'll start dating earlier than me for sure~ NOW NOW LANA IT'S OKAY TO BE A YEAR OLDER <:
Liked by: c. lana


ANONNNNNNNN nope ahhahaa i honestly don't think i actually understand what being in love means but i guess i'll learn when i meet the right person!

I hope everything goes well for you! :)

hahahhah thank you but /whispers/ i'm actually pretty scared and i have no idea why on earth am i doing this

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do you know what happened to con @hyukbaek?

nothing's happened to her? O: she's still being kawaii while we talk lmao it's just that she's been pretty busy with school and exams lately!
Liked by: c. lana

since when did you start to like baek? at what point in time did you happen to admit that he's the one~

ever since i officially knew who he was from "what is love" and i don't have a specific date for that but i got attracted to his voice at first bc it was early in the morning on a school day and i just happened to be bored so i was on youtube -yadah yadah- and i saw a new mv from exo so i clicked and waited for it to load while i went to throw my sweet wrapper away and YEAH HIS VOICE gosh i've never gotten over it
Liked by: #Nave

Do you have a date oh my god cheryl that's so cute! >u<

i don't have a date but i'm uhm planning something for someone i've been eyecandying from last year alskdalskfhalkf i'm so nervous idk what i'm gonna do tho ;AAAAA;

what does 엑소 공홈 mean? it's trending in naver

"exo official site" 공홈 is a slang in korean for official site

How are you going to spend your valentine's day this year? :)

it's a friday, i have school, i'm probably gonna write letters for my close friends and spend the morning with them, spend the afternoon with my dance mates, spend the night with royaltaes and bermuda rectangle.
p.s. i think i'm giving someone in school a letter and a little something >////<

If you had a choice between taking a selca on your phone or a polaroid with Baek/Hansol, which one would you choose?

................. can you not anon..............
no this question is really easy and the answer is simple. B Y U N B A E K H Y U N

that question is really interesting! if exo and your fav exo stan friends outside of royaltaes get to spend a day together, what would you think would happen or what would the situation be like and will there be any OTPs in the group of friends? your answer for the last one was adorable!

AHAHHAHAH i'm pretty sure if this happened everything would come true u________u

Cheryl, is there a sm rookie member that has caught your eyes? :D

JISUNG IS SO ADORABLE and taeyong is really good looking (but not really my type), i don't really know who they are yet tho but the girls are super pretty~
Liked by: #Nave

Who in k-pop do you think is most similar or can pass off as a sibling for royaltaes?

a sibling? meaning like who's most likely to be a part of royaltaes? i can't think of any sadly but well exo's welcome to join anytime
Liked by: lana

If exo and royaltaes get to spend a day together, how do you think the situation would be like? Do you think there'll be any close groups/otps? :)

I AM 100% SURE CONNIE WILL BE STICKING TO KYUNGSOO HALF THE TIME bc food and then she'll just be laughing whenever chanyeol does something dumb and then start bickering with sehun over more food and steal jongin's chicken.
Lana will just be chilling around with luhan chen and yixing and then listen to the 3 of them sing, talk about the most random things, attempt to crack jokes and just talk about life (YEAH IKR) AND THEN TAO WOULD WALK OVER and they'll start discussing about fashion. i'm not kidding
Noona will be glaring at kris 24/7 bc it's just the way it is. AND THEN SHE'LL JUST GO LIKE "STOP IT KRIS. PLEASE STOP IT." whenever kris starts making lame jokes and well we all know what's gonna happen
and me i'll just be at a corner staring at baekhyun bc i'm too much of a wimp to actually talk

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Liked by: lana William Choi

I think your anons are being really mean about Lana and Connie. They seem really cute and derpy! What are things you like about Lana and Connie? I ship teamcl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kekek

if you mean derpy by retarded THEN YES I TOTALLY AGREE #teampetite #teamcl
they make me laugh they make me smile they care about me they care about everyone they're amazing in their own (weird) ways, they're everything i could ask for in a friend and a sister AND IDK BUT I JUST LOVE THEM
come join the club, we have cray for sale - president of #teamcl

what about lana? she seems like a very selfish person from what her tweets are like.

lana is far from selfish she's just really open-minded and as much as that may lead to misconceptions about her personality i don't believe that anons have any right to judge from her tweets. LANA'S EXTREMELY SWEET SHE GIVES ME CAVITIES SHE'S ALWAYS SO HELPFUL AND SO GIVING just please stop making baseless assumptions about my closest friends
Liked by: lana

What do you think will happen when bermuda rectangle meets up irl? :) You girls are so cute together!

utter chaos, complete pandemonium, extreme mayhem, uncontrollable havoc, JUST PLAIN OLE MADNESS if that ever happens we'll probably be visiting con tho~
Liked by: lana c.

She seems like a really sarcastic person though. And Connie doesn't seem like she really sticks to and likes an idol as her bias.

i don't mean to be picky about what you say but you don't know her. "seems like" is a pretty superficial assumption don't you think? gonna be reaaaaaaaaaaal cliche and say "please do not judge a book by it's cover"

What type of guy do you think would fit con, connie and lana? :) What about yourself? What's your ideal type?

Con: Me and connie have secretly been shipping her with someone like yixing bc idk they just fit each other like that~ quiet but when you get to know her better she's cray i tell you cray but she just needs that cute puppy love feeling.
Connie: Needs someone completely crazy and the exact opposite of her to frustrate her to death but be that qtpie that brightens her day and he must be a good listener bc, well it's just important. AND he must know when to cheer her up BC I SAID SO. AND HE HAS TO DO IT. OR HE'LL DIE IN ME LANA AND CON'S HANDS.
Lana: Like poles attract for her tbh, she needs someone equally weird like her (i like weird) but at the same time someone who's stable and able to protect her when she needs. And then spazz with her, when she's feeling upset.
As for meeeeee http://ask.fm/ohbaeks/answer/106323648531

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Liked by: c.

What are the group dynamics normally for bermuda triangle? Who's the mom etc.?

EVERYONE'S THE MOM EXCEPT FOR ME TBH i have no idea why bc irl i'm always the one taking care of my friends (besides connie lana they all), and when i'm with bermuda rectangle i turn into a lil kid which is not fair imo NOT FAIR AT ALL
well basically there are two ships in bermuda rectangle. #teamcl and #okeryl that's really all that matters. oh and i'm president of the cl fanclub.
Liked by: lana

You seem so much easier to talk to and has a better personality as compared to Connie, how did you two end up being so close?

please don't compare personalities bc as far as i'm concerned, connie's an angel. she's kind, she's sweet, she's a caring older sister figure, she's responsible. it's just that i'm really noisy and annoying and she's always the one telling me to "maintain" for my own good and she's just wonderful like that. her character tends to give the impression that she's aloof but honestly she's not. she's pretty retarded in her own way like me. and i like her just the way she it. we clicked immediately when we started talking and we met up irl started to spazz about everything together and it's just everything complements really well when we're hanging out.
Liked by: lana

what is one thing you want to do if you ever get to speak to baek in a fansign?


Chanyeol's ideal type is someone who likes to smile and is sincere, quiet, cute, kind, is easily amused by him, have the same taste in music and also a similar sense of humor! :D

FITS CONNIE COMPLETELY TBH except the humour part. she goes for dark humour. really. i get creeped. AHHAHAHAHAHA no i'm joking she's basically the close to perfect one except she's always not confident enough ):

do you think connie fits in chanyeol's ideal type? can you see them being together? (oh and I do think she resembles lee hojung too!)

i can't remember what chanyeol's ideal type is but her size is definitely perfect for cuddling chanyeol and YES WE'VE BEEN TRYING TO CONVINCE HER THAT SHE LOOKS LIKE LEE HOJUNG SINCE 94727623 LIGHTYEARS AGO BUT SHE'S TOO STUBBORN i do think that her personality fits chanyeol's tho (if his personality on stage and off stage isn't a very big change which i reckon not)


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