

Ask @okwaitasec9590

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Son's best friend's dad is a good friend of wife and I. He's sent my wife flirty texts, but doesn't know I know about them. I think it's super hot and I want to them to continue, how should I go about doing this?

send me ur wife phone number ASAP 👮🏻‍♂️

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What is a real friend? 😅

One that always puts you in trouble then pull you out of it again a real friend is who want to be with you not for your money or swag😎

Need to ask you 😎 If you're in a relationship, is it okay to vacation separately?

hellllll to the no no to the no no helllll no

Did I accidentally join a site for children? Everyone here so far that gives any indication of age seems to be underage. I should just leave if there are no adults to talk to.

lonedragon7935’s Profile PhotoLonedragon
i guess they r


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