

Ask @omgpoptarts

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lol yeah, I kinda lost inspiration and since all my friends are starting to use the site (not really. they create it and then idk. abuse it.)...

Idk I'm scared ill end up doing that with my newer book.
Liked by: Alyssa

I just didn't use it as much, and since exams are just... Well yeah. Do you still use it?

Yeah I use my Wattpad. Pretty much for everything BUT writing.
That chapter has been sitting in my works for like a month.
I'm such a procrastinator.
Liked by: Alyssa

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Eh. Forget to turn of anonymous mode.

Lol oh
I understand. I mean, if you really think you want to delete your Wattpad it's cool.
It's getting weird and bad anyways.
Liked by: Alyssa

is it almost complete? :o WELL TOO BAD BECAUSE I WILL READ IT ON LIKE MONDAY OR TUESDAY MUAHAHAHA. but your first novel will be complete, aren't you happy? c: and wait do you have snapchat? i'll send you my beautiful creepy smiles :-)

fae or val
thalia is literally done right now.
i have to finish writing the last chapter and then ill do an epilogue.
no i won't be happy because i already thought of two other ideas and idek if ill be able to do them ugh
yup. whats yours, ill send you one

does that anon know that all i answer are the question i click on the dice lmfao. um thalia's awesome and i'm trying to finish reading that after brielle's story. :D hahahaha, "not all that pretty"? don't lie. and have you seen my snapchats or strange faces? because you'd take that back.

fae or val
don't finish thalia that piece of crap :( lol
i need to edit it.
um i've seen your face and its pretty stunning

HI TABITHA. I'M ASKING YOU A QUESTION. why are you so pretty and talented? and to that anon below, no one wanted your unnecessary comment?

fae or val
lol, the anon was so random.
Liked by: Alyssa

I guess but I've been having issues with ask lqately anyways so I'd rather not. Apparently some people suicided bc of crap ppl wrote on their walls anyways. I will be at an amusement park tmrw with my friend what r u doing? And omigod I bought that summer by s dessen -arshia

who killed themselves???
(ooh which park?!)

Do you like HP?

i completely thought "hp" in this situation was as in the HP computers and i was about to be all "lol, no. my middle school orchestra teacher had an hp computer and his nickname for it was 'hates people' because it was always acting up and shutting down."
but i see you mean hp as in harry potter soo...
i've never read it.

basically he did not gonna happen Tabitha

yeah because all guys rewrite songs for girls.
it's so normal.
(i hope you read that using sarcasm, farah. #Guarah)
Liked by: theo Farah

so today was guava's birthday so i wished him happy birthday on facebook and he messages me this new version of bohemian rhapsody that he made up and the first part is "farah, we all to hell" and then the rest of the song is replaced with cuss words. he destroyed that song tabitha, my favorite song

so, wait...
he revised a song for you? :')
Liked by: Farah theo

Of the three which notification do you get the most?

probably the "answers" tab because i'm a loner like that.
but lately jeannie has been giving me a bunch of likes lol.

Besides ask, do you have any other sort of contact with Rosé?

Lol "Rosé"
Like she's French or something.
But nope! Just Wattpad :)
Liked by: Kareema

which one is your favorite

I /would/ say the hunger games but the whole concept of kids killing kids doesn't really appeal to me and yeah it was a good book, the thought still bothers me.
Then I would say catching fire but *SPOILER ALERT* Finnick died and tbh he was my favorite character. (Idk if he died in that book, but he still died)
THEN I'd tell you mockingjay but *SPOILER ALERT* prim dies in that one and that was pretty pointless because the whole problem started because katniss didn't want her sister dead. And then the author killed her anyways.
I sound so negative lolol. I'm really not. I guess I just don't have a favorite in the series.
Plus it's pretty much the only dystopian story I've ever read so idk if that's how they all work or something...


Language: English