

What are you drinking usually during walking?

I'm not, haha, I never hydrate properly because I don't like carrying things 😂 I'll happily run a half- or climb a mountain or whatever and then chug a bunch of water when I get home. But yeah, not one for drinking whilst working out.
Which I would not recommend, by the way. It's massively important to hydrate, and if you're going to have any of the isotonic drinks then you have to have at LEAST equal amounts of water at the same time, ideally more. Those things are designed to put salt back into your body so you can actually dehydrate yourself more by drinking them - and the amount of kids I see with them just because they taste good 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ like no, you're putting shit into your body that is ultimately doing way more harm than good, please stop.
Also, can we talk about how much sugar is in the majority of them 😅

Language: English