

Ask @orleeveah

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Which song would u prefer to party-Gangnam Style (hyuna version) or harlem shake?

In primary school, it would have been gangnam style but that's so passé so I'll go with Harlem shake(:

Wow that's why you like lizards now right? I heard about it

AHAHAHAH how many times must I say it's the other way round
Liked by: sf

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stay wif melanie who will hug u everyday like damn tight or kill a lizard once u see it?

AHAHAH your questions are amusing whoever you are. uh I guess I'll stay with mel. I don't kill lizards because it'll look damn gross after being killed. Like please, I'll have nightmares because in P1 when I was peeing in the school toilet, a lizard got into my cubicle and I squished it with my foot and after that I had a squashed lizard on the sole of my shoe. AHAHA I was a weird kid and I think people thought I was possessed because I was screaming in the toilet.
Liked by: sf

Where do you think you'll be living five years from now?

Singapore ahaha duh
"This is home truly, where I know I must be, where my dreams wait for me where the river always flows."
"One people, one nation, one Singapore."
"We are Singapore, Singaporeans."
#patriotsiol :')
Liked by: Kat vanessa

would u consider yourself as a NASTY person?

AHAHAHAHHA WHOEVER YOU ARE STAHP and no bitch please, I'm fab not nasty((:

What is the most annoying song that u hv heard?

oh gosh there's so many, okay but there's ome that stands out. Um there's this song that I use as my alarm and because its super repetitive and loud, I get annoyed (morning bitches) and you know what that song is Again and Again by 2pm AHAHA
Liked by: Mel.Tiong vanessa


Language: English