
suep soup

Ask @osnapitzsue

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Yea u wish we were still having a convo about this... Not happening

hahaha u never know, i can pop out of anywhere and tease u about alex

Whoever is comment suicidal things on sues ask... Plz dont do it! Yes things are tough now but they won't be forever just hang in there and everything will be ok and if u need anything I'm also here and whoever u r doesn't matter bc I wud care if u were no longer here

thanks rachel :)

but i really can't take it anymore. i just have so much pressure and stress and no one cares because no one likes me. everyone likes u

HA ur funny. trust me i feel exactly what u feel and i would care. i would care if anything happened to u

Just trust me... Jack doesnt hate u :) good night boo i need to sleep

nighty night boo sleep tight dont let the quitoes bite! :)

i want to die. I really can't take this anymore

no no no no no no u are not leaving me, who ever u are. if u go i go too.

Dylan Raquel James grom Jack demeree Kieran Luisa Bianca Caitlin Mikey Rachel Stephen Alex Sam Lauren Riley Ashlin Ana Nolan Gabe

dylan - nice hair
raquel - my boo <3 jacks lover
james grom - really nice and funny
jack demaree - raquels lover and hates me for a reason which i do not know
kieran - nice and funny, doesnt talk to me
luisa - i miss her, we used to be so close
bianca - spazzy and hilarious
caitlin - so funny i love her
stephen - also has cool hair, used to talk
alex - ... erm ...
sam - AMAGANSETT, he like hates me now
lauren - she seems nice, i dont think we have ever talked
riley - I FEEL YA *touch finger*
ashlin - seems nice too, we dont really talk
ana - i love her, shes so funny
nolan - really funny, FELLOW PEGASI RIDER
gabe - not sure if he's leaving or not ... awkward
Liked by: Lauren

SHE DIDN'T "BETRAY" ME ANON. GET YO FACT STRAIGHT. tbh no one cares anymore about that and u know that suewi. it didn't ruin our friendship. we r closer now anyways

hey ashypoo

I think u when you betrayed ash and went out with Dylan. U knew they were together nd she obviously had feelings for him yet u still decided to be a terrible friend nd go out with him. No boy is worth ruining a friendship over. U knew it would hurt her.

i talked to her about it a billion times and i was going to say no. i even told ppl that i was going to say no but she was the one that forced us to go out so ... i didnt know what to do. plus me and ash are so much closer now. i never tried to be the terrible friend. im sowwie ashypoo :'( plus we're both over it. i didnt know it would hurt her. u shouldve seen me, i felt awful about the fact that he even liked me at the time. blahhhhhhhhhhh i know i was an awful person

What is your least favorite beverage?

herm lets see, i hate carrot juice - ugh grossest thing ever
but i also hate warm water, idc if ure cold, u dont drink warm water
ooo or dr. pepper - it looks like coke but tastes like mint soda - wanna lie to me?


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