
suep soup

Ask @osnapitzsue

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It just doeant make alot of sense tht u play it off ... What they did... Like it was totally nothing .. Did u even hav a talk with them about??

um it depends who "them" are ... im still not sure who u are referring to exactly

You don't NEED ppl who in the past who are so called good friends tht have treated u like dirt... There are alot of ppl who can b way nicer than them...

um i don't really know how to answer that ...

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Like ur instagram pics... Most are depressing/sadening... I mean why are they/why those pics??

well sometimes i get into deep thought and ... its hard to explain i dunno how to explain it

Im saying why do u run back to the certain ppl in ur clique tht treated u in the past like nothing .... U still hang out with 1 or the 2 of them which doesnt make lots of sense to me since they were so mean ... I know "forgive and forget" but did u totally forget how they did that to u?!

i know that forgive a lot but i never forget what other people did to me. and sometimes i feel as i can't just leave them, like i had so many memories and good times with them that i don't want to just throw away.

Why do make it out to be like you are "depressed" .... What do u have to be so sad and sorry for yourself about??

wait what do you mean?

Why do you go back to the people that are mean to you? It doesn't make sense...

we always want what we can't have ... i probably can't have them and i feel as if i need them but who are you referring to?

I adore you. You're so beautiful, sweet and funny. I miss talking to you everyday

aw thank you! and who ever you are i probably miss talking to you too...

Y dont u tell me anything?!?! U trust every 1 else but me!! U hve made me waste my stupid tears on u from how u made me feel!! Stop apologizing for ur mistakes and actually change on how u act!! Its been pissing me off !! Soon we will be nothing but strangers! Cuz u longer seem 2 care 4 me!!

sometimes i dont tell people things because i dont think that they care. i probably do trust you. dont cry because of me, im not worth anyone's tears. i'll try to change my actions but it would help if i knew who this is.


Language: English