
Edson O. Peralta D.

Ask @peraltaedson

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What is your favorite ice cream?

Anything that has a chocolate or cookie flavor are my favorites. Cookie dough, Oreo, chocolate chip, etc.

Do you have a hard time falling asleep? What is something that makes it easier for you?

sincerely, kaitlyn
Only time I would have a hard time with would be during my weekends or my days off. I wake up early and still want to continue sleeping but my body is so used to waking up that early no matter what. So I try to think about what am I going to do for the rest of that day and usually by the time I'm done thinking for half of that day it'll put me back to sleep. I hope that may help for you.
Liked by: sincerely, kaitlyn

how old we you?

How old an I, you mean??
Well I like letting people take guesses so I'm in my mid-20s.

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Have you ever thought about going somewhere where nobody knows you and starting a new life?

Yeah, this is something I constant think of. No matter where I go, I always see someone I've seen before from either school back then, from the gym I go to, around my neighborhood, or from where I work. It's ridiculous.

have u done any art latly

Unfortunately no, I haven't for a while. I remember I had some art projects, painting on my room walls but never finished. Not even half of the wall was complete. I guess I just never had time left for that and the passion must've blown off..
Liked by: MrCzokos

So you do things without considering or caring about the consequences right?

Lol well when you put it that way it all depends and when I was talking about taking risks I was talking about jackass stupid things at a young age back then with some close friends, family, and parties. Those were the good ol' reckless days.

Are goodbyes hard for you?

I guess it all depends who you're giving it to. For me personally, it's not a hard thing to do because it's one if the things I grew up with; moving out and saying goodbyes to some of the greatest friends I've had.

I have a crush on a guy should I tell him my feelings?

Absolutely. You gotta open up yourself, make yourself feel more comfortable about expressing yourself and confronting is a big change. Whether if the guy feels the same way about you or not, it'll make you a stronger person. Besides, it's better knowing the truth instead of wondering and throwing away an opportunity.
Liked by: ClumsyNoBody

Have you ever fallen in love with a person who is in another relationship?

Lol naw, I don't think I would fall in love for someone that easily but if anything perhaps just a crush. I remember taking a couple risks for stupid things but not at all for relationships.

what more do you feel you have to accomplish?

Moving out of the city I live in; a different state. Build a family, a new home, and a better career.

Who is the most closest friend that knows everything about u?

That's a tough one.. but I would have to say my gf, who has been one of my closest friends for over 10 years, would know just about everything about me back then and now.

Which is the funniest name you've ever heard?😚

"Youngblood" if that's how her name is spelled but exactly how the name is pronounced. I would sure would love to find out how her parents came up with it lol

The best day of your life?

First thing I just thought about was when I saw my father after being released from prison. My brother and I didn't think we'd ever get to see him again but since our parents knew about it before we did, they allowed us to visit him everyweekend. Definitely the best days I ever had.

Do you have a girlfriend

Yeah, I do. We've known each other for over a decade, so one of my closest friends I've ever had. Then all of a sudden magically had a thing going on since 2016 and now live together.

What are your favorite pizza toppings?

Honestly? Im okay with just about everything that's offered. Hawaii'n pizza sounds good right about now.

What's your most recent favourite photo that you have taken?

Lol that's the thing, taking selfies isn't my thing. If you really wanna know, it'll probably be a SnapChat I took years ago.

What’s one small thing you appreciated today?

My brother got drunk the night before, I didn't think it was that bad for him before I left later that morning. A couple minutes after leaving he started throwing up and could hardly walk so my roommate and my gf took care of him after that. Small things like this are more meaningful for me.

How do you get someone from your past out of your head?

Music, depending on what you're listening to, can clear whatever you have in mind. I was feeling shitty on a Sunday morning and then I put up some Bruno Mars on Pandora while at work. I was then feeling 10 times better after that👌🏽

What gift would you like to receive on Valentine's Day from your beloved one? Post a pic, if you wish!

Nothing special, really. I never really got any cards or chocolates from someone that could have been a big impact for me when I was younger so I guess that's why; I didn't grow up with it. But for people in a relationship, the way they treat each other on Valentine's day is exactly what everyone should do on a daily basis. Everyone needs some appreciation and love.

Do u wish u could Confess something To a certain someone that you just couldn't tell in person? Because of being afraid of what their reaction might be?

Ohhh yes. Pleeeanty of confessions I wish I could tell them but I don't think this may ever occur. If I were ever given a chance, I would give it a shot.
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