

im so lonely bc im the only bi person at school who isnt taken. is it bad i havent even had a bf/gf yet

Aww don't worry I'm sure you'll find the perfect person soon but for now, your young so have fun and enjoy life! Maybe if you stop looking for someone to love they'll find you instead... xx

Latest answers from perfection_is_BORING

Thank you for the answer, i will really think about it. What is hard for me now is that we've been together for four years and it's hard to move on. But if i really want too, i can.

That's right. After a four year relationship it will take a fair amount of time but if you make the choice to move on then you can most certainly do it! X

My ex boyfriend told me to wait for him until the right time comes that we are both ready again to be together. I don't have any news from him, he will just text or chat me if he needs something. We haven't seen each other for 7 months now. Do i have to move on or wait for him?

Well that's up to you. Only you know your feelings towards him, if you feel like he's worth waiting for and you really love him then of course you'd wait and wouldn't even think about it, but the fact that you've asked me this question makes me feel like you should move on. Of course that's a decision only you can make though. Your the one that knows the relationship best and no one can make that decision for you. Trust yourself that you'll make the right decision and give yourself time to think about it X

there's this guy I liked 4 years ago from school he knows I like him and I know he likes me but that was before he left school and went to another school that was 4 freakin years ago now I have moved on but he's coming back to my life like when I left I was hurt and now I've moved on he came back

It's your right to let him know if he makes a move on you that you've moved on. If he tries to ask you out or anything like that make it clear that you now don't share the same feelings. He had his chance and you shouldn't feel bad for saying no if he tries to make a move. Just say exactly how you feel in a polite way and the rest is up to him. X

theres this guy i like, i told him i liked him, and he did that blush emoji. He now tells me everything thats happeniing to him, and he gives me advice. I also sometimes pretend to be my friend and ask for advice about boys and then i do that advice to him. Do you think he likes me?

Possibly! It seems he cares about you, but the only person that will ever know what he's truly feeling and thinking is him. You're not a mind reader so you can't be certain buy it you and him are meant to be together then you will be with time! X

then can you atleast help me be friends with him what should I do?

Just talk to him. By doing that you'll soon find if there's chemistry between you and I know it might be hard to talk to him because of nerves and things like that but remember he's a human just like you. Trust yourself and your conversational abilities and see what comes out of it X

hi, ive got 2 best friends, but both of them hate each other. Everyday they fight, and they argue and its so hard for me, because im in the middle of this. And both of them are awesome, and i dont want to choose between one of them. So what should i do?

Priyanka Versleijen
You don't need to choose between them. You just can't hang out with them at the same time, that's all.
In the end it's their issues they need to resolve. It's between them and you shouldn't resolve their issues for them. If say one of these friends are at your house just don't invite the other friend over while she's there.
You can spend quality time with both, just not both of them together which is s shame but they obviously just can't get along and that's not your fault or your problem to deal with. X

hey I have a crush on this guy but he's grade 9 and I'm grade 8 we talk sometimes but once in a blue moon what should I do like sometimes we talk like we're bffs but sometimes we just ignore each other :(

If it's meant to be then it will be. Just give it time and it will happen of its supposed to and of it doesn't then don't be disheartened, it wasn't meant to be. You're young and have the rest of your life for boys. Relationships are supposed to form naturally so don't force anything and just see what happens. A relationship with this boy may some out of it or it might not and you just keep on waiting X

hey strong soul. I hope that u've had a fulfilling saturday so far. remember that u can't change how ppl feel about u, so dont try. just live ur life & be happy. enjoy ur well-deserved weekend. trust, respect & love urself always, dear one. u'll always be amazing in my eyes. I'm grateful for u 😌🌷❤

nurbzee’s Profile Photonurulhuda
You're honesty awesome! X

dear brave soul, u've made to friday. congratulations on surviving the weekdays. u deserve a good & productive weekend. the only expectations u should live up to are the ones u expect of urself. manage ur time well & be wise in your decisions, love. take care & rest well. I'm always here for u. 😌🌹

nurbzee’s Profile Photonurulhuda
I love these messages! Thank you x

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