
Phoebe Alice

Ask @phoebewhittingstall

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Who do you's fancy?

You's is that even a word anyway im not saying on here even tho pretty much everyone knows already it's quite funny coz he will never like me back aha

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So what's your real opinion on me then, no jokes :)

I think you are flipping hilarious and you're nice :)

Hey, I beat my girlfriend.i know I should do this but it's become addictive to me. She hates me for it but I don't care. I love doing it and get a massive buzz and thrill from it, i dont thinkbi can stop but I feel bad sometimes though, I mean whenever we play tennis I just always beat her. She gets

I thought you meant a different kind of beat then ummm why you telling me this tho

ah it s sort of funny and thans for calling me a twat, means a lot...

Wow you can spell! #sarcasm

Do you like Kaiser Chiefs?

I think so I can't really remember any of their songs at this moment in time

https://m.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=452167451533972&id=430893320328052&set=a.431048680312516.1073741828.430893320328052&pb.430893320328052.-2207520000.1368225653.&__user=100000434354767 --- can you like the picture and the page for me please x

awks coz i don't have facebook x


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