

Ask @prettyhuntress

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placeboeffektt’s Profile PhotoAdonis
@GoddessKalima mein lieblings-bad-girl, ich wünsche dir ALLES ALLES Liebe und Gute zu deinem Geburtstag. Du bist so ein toller Mensch *hust* Göttin, ich kann es gar nicht in Worte fassen. Bist einer meiner längsten Freundinnen und ich weiß absolut nicht was ich ohne dich und deine unbezahlbare Weisheit und auch Ehrlichkeit machen würde. Würde im Wörterbuch der Begriff 'gute Freundin' erscheinen, dann würde ein Bild von dir daneben kleben. Du würdest literally alles tun um die Menschen die du liebst zu beschützen und ich bin für immer dankbar dafür, dass ich zu deinen Freunden zähle. Love you forever. ❤️
GoddessKalima  mein lieblingsbadgirl ich wünsche dir ALLES ALLES Liebe und

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── Where are your ancestors from? Do you keep any of their traditions?

antiunreinheiten’s Profile PhotoBebé
I have many ancestors. My parents named me after a Lightwood from 1800, her name was Sophia and my second name is Sophia. I also inherited the family necklace. The ruby pendant of the necklace also serves as a Sensor, pulsing bright red in the presence of demons.

‣ 10 important facts about yourself

JustAskUsx’s Profile Photojust ask us
1. When I was thirteen, my mother told me my father had an affair with another woman. I kept it as a secret from almost everyone. That's why I'm extremely distrustful of men and not believing in love.
2. When I was young; I was dating everyone whom my parents would most likely disapprove of only to have some attention from my "father".
3. I have three brothers, Alec, Jace and Max. Max died years ago and I miss him more than anything. I'm blaming myself for his death.
4. I can't cook.
5. I look excatly like my mother when she was my age.
6. I have an inclination towards very high heels. I LOVE shoes #onetruelove
7. I'm allergic to tulips, but i love roses.
8. I was fascinated by the history of weapons as a child. I spent hours reading about close-range combat in the Institute's library.
9. I have a dog called Betty.
10. I'm very pretty and smart. (:

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