

Ask @randomnessawesome

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same at how it took you 7 months to get on ask.fm again

sorry la haha i stopped using it, but now i no life so come here ahha

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5 ppl u want to get to knw better from each class : ?

ive had 4 months to think of the answer for this but i still dont know especially 5 ppl form each class

People that you never expected to get closer to this year? ( Dont include people that you were very close to last year )

chantel lol coz we hated each other to the core. thats like the major change
Liked by: cxq

People you have drifted apart from and would like to be close again?

mostly like year 4 friends, because i hardly get to see them anymore. and like g6 crew like cann eliza jolin chloe yea. miss

hello! so since it is like the time has come where students start to slack and all but, have you mustered up the courage to ask/tell your crush about your crush (haha lol)? and his name is Akira right? (sorry if I'm wrong but it is a cool name.) What is his full name by the way?

hi anon sflr but i havent used ask.fm so long lol. erm no its not akira(full name akira goh lol) but ya me and akira are just friends and my crush and i, well we went out on a date and we just realized we are better as friends. so yep haha. :)

hey alex, how is you telling your crush about your crush (lol) haha but ehm, how was it? have you told him yet?

im focusing on my exams right now, and i have to get my life in order. so no i havent, but i plan to do it in december? coz thats when we are both in sg and free :)


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