
( Red | Jane )

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Latest answers from ( Red | Jane )

What's your opinion on Maya the Bee? I think she's the best bee, personally.

Maya the Bee is a good role model for children, BUT SHE IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR TOMATOES--

How many tomatoes does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Or more importantly, how many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

Depends on how big the light bulb is, how high up it is, and how big is the tomato/are the tomatoes tackling the task! If you're a giant tomato, it might be just one tomato. But if you're a smaller one, then you're going to need more tomatoes for sure. Same for height-- the higher up the light bulb, the more tomatoes you need to reach the top! (Unless you use a ladder~ You can shave off some labor that way.)
As far as licks to the center of a tootsie pop, I'm not sure! You'd have to ask your local owl for that, or some other town's local owl if your area doesn't have one!

Are you still going to be in But I Love You?

As far as I know right now, yep, this tomato is your resident Allison! (^_^)☆

Are you a hot weather or cold weather type of person?

Both! Hot weather means big hats and sunglasses, as well as ice cream. Cold weather means big scarves and jackets, while also including hot cocoa/chocolate.

Um.. I just wanted to say thanks for chatting it up about AA. It was a rough week of work and to chat about something that instantly brings a smile to my face with such an awesome person basically made up for everything this week. So again Thank you Tomato :)

Oh hey no problem! AA's a super fun roller coaster of a series, and I'm glad to contribute to positive energy! (Sorry to hear things were so rough on your end though. May next week be kinder to you.)

Is there anything you care less about as you have grown up? What is it?

I didn't cry when I saw that a big needle was going to be involved in a check up, if that counts. And I don't freeze up entirely over heights anymore either!

What is the difference between a demon tomato and a regular tomato? Like, should I be concerned about DemonTomatoDave?

Those types of tomatoes are clearly tomatoes who have fallen victim to the dark side of the force. Rumors and tales over centuries spoke of a most curious bait built from the chips of choco's latte. They since have dubbed it, the cookie. Once eaten, they create an insatiable desire for the sugary sweet, and from there, they meet their demise, forever slaves to the systems brought forth by the forbidden bakery dish. Do not scorn the fallen for they know not how much they stray, but instead, mourn them, and have faith that someday, they will once again see the light of day, where all of tomatokind will reunite once more, as a force to be reckoned with.

Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

Both! For big things that affect me in the long run, I would like to have that sorted ahead of time so I'm not too worried. For the little things, spontaneity is just the right spice in life. Why stick to just chicken when you can try steak too? (^。^)

Language: English