
( Red | Jane )

Ask @redasatomato

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How have u been?

Mostly good! ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*̀ˋ I had a sunny-side up egg with breakfast!
...I've had a few slumps, but I know to do my best to counter those, one step at a time. (Believe in the me who believes in others who believe in me--)

What is your favourite project/role/thing that you've worked on?

This is almost like asking a mother to pick a favorite child-- dear codfish-- hmm-- to be honest, I'm not sure! I have a lot of fun voice acting in general, and pretty much most if not all things have their own appeal.
You get to step into the shoes of other characters and bring them to life in a sense with your voice, trying to figure out how they think and perceive the world and what's around them, and it's just so cool getting into everyone's dynamics. In that moment you get to portray a lovable animal, or a spunky spirit medium, or an underground serial killer, or a sweet girl with a sour secret, or even someone from another world! It's exciting in a way.
And also bizarre. Like when I do something that is in most circumstances, opposite of what a tomato normally does. (Examples: gratuitous language and/or not talking in my usual voice. Though, the former in my usual voice gives similar results.)

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Liked by: Zxrian

You are cute and thank you for sharing that cuteness

ヾ( 〃∇〃)ツ キャーーーッ♪ !!!
HGVhbjnhbbjn-- Welc!!

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As you are frequently misconception'd between the two, do you moreso identify as the more factual fruit designation, or the vegetable myth? And, when it comes to the floral dating scene, which category (still being fruit or vegetable) do you tend to gravitate towards?

In the words of the late Miles Kington(?), “Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.” Good question by the way, but yeah... I bounce between both of them as far as identification goes. Fruit? Yeah! Vegetable? Yeah!
As for the floral dating scene, I'll get back to you on that when I actually have a record to look at, haha. (Can tomatoes mix with other fruits/vegetables growth wise to create hybrid foods? I can't remember off the top of my head.)

What kind of microphone do you use? What would you recommend? Preferably something that is also non-tomato friendly. :P

Nathan Nanez
Ummm... up to this point, I've been using mostly what I've come to jokingly/affectionately call a "donut with a stick." (Plus noise removal. Noise removal is your best friend.) That is if you mean like, for most voice over things. But, if you mean calls and some vocaroos, then it's usually my Apple Earphones, since I can ninja-hide those a lot easier.
As for recommendations, I say save up and go for what you can afford? I haven't have straight experience with any of these yet, but I've heard these mics come up in conversation from other VAs/friends, so I'll leave these to you to look at and decide.
Blue Microphone Snowball
Samson C01U
Blue Microphone Yeti
Audio-Technica AT2020
Those should all be USB mics, so they're compatible with computers. (Both Mac and PC I believe, if I recall right.) And they're non-tomato friendly. And I think I ordered them by price? I've also heard of the "Rode NT1-A" but I'm not sure where that falls price range. "Blue Microphone Snowball" is definitely easier on the pocket than the others and good for beginners if you have the chance to get it.
In either case, mics are kind of an investment, so make sure that whatever you end up doing, be sure you do some research on your own too, ask around more too for additional input, and that you are decided that the mic you pay for is what you want to get.

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Would you ever cosplay as Maya Fey

If I ever got into cosplay outside closet mix-and-match for Halloween/a small tomato that would be so much fun to do--

Psst it's Johnny, give me the secret code to the Tomato farm!

The Tomato Farm is open to all guests! Just treat others with respect and knock-- we'll let you stay over for lunch.

So you're a sentient fruit. How did this happen?

Vegetable. Dairy. Protein. Fruit. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Protein Nation attacked. Only the Tomatoes, masters of all four food groups, could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they vanished. A hundred years passed and Carrot and Cucumber discovered the new Tomato line successor, a singular tomato named Jane. And although her fruit looking skills are great, she has a lot to learn before she's ready to save anyone. But Cucumber believes Jane can save the world.

What is your sexual orientation?

Tomatosexual? Pfft, kidding. Hetero actually.
Girls are really nice too, but I've never seen any of them in a romantic light per say, but rather more as friends. And while I do have friends that I consider platonic that are guys, historically any dokis I've had have all been on dudes.
(Once in awhile I've contemplated if I'm somewhere on the ace spectrum though. And one time I wondered if I was demi but then something would come to mind that doesn't add up.)

What do you like to do offline?

A mix of things! Sometimes hang out with friends and family. Or read. Or draw. Or sing. Or attempt to jam out while cleaning.
Once in awhile I accidentally sing out loud to what I'm listening to with earphones and don't realize it at times? A visiting family member was very amused when she told me about it, haha.

What do you sound like after inhaling helium?

I... am not actually sure? I figure I would sound like a very hyper super chipmunk, but I don't have as easy access to try it.
But man am I curious.

What is your favorite fruit commonly touted as a vegetable?

I think only tomatoes fit that bill, unless I'm missing another food here? Hmm... (._.)

where are you ticklish?

In the most random spots? It depends more on the approach--you have to catch me off guard? (Which is, admittedly, kind of easy given situations.)

Cats or dogs?

I'm so divided-- offline wise I tend to lean towards dogs because of all my interaction with them. (And they're super cute too.) But cats can be super adorable too!
Online wise I'm more split down the middle. On one hand cat affiliation with Nepeta Leijon, but on the other hand, there's Shark Puppy and No Problem!Dog...

Why tomato?

Why not tomato?
But haha, it's tied with my url! I've used it for such a long time it's like gfdcgvbhjn--
(Fun fact: had I not lost password for one email, and then found out another username was taken already, I might've gone with a rose instead. Still red, but no longer edible!)

how tall are you?

According to the latest episode of Rocher Hotel, I'm about 6.75 cm(?) tall, give or take if I remember right. (But shhhhhh.)

Are you ticklish?

...Haha, yeah! But I've gotten a bit better about it over the years. Not by much, but it's a step.

pancakes or waffles?

Why not both? ( ・∀・)っ旦
(Slight preference to waffles, because of the crunchiness factor. But they don't taste as good when cold, so pancakes have that advantage of being more okay both hot and cold.)

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) http://www.jornabloide.com/2015/01/selfie790.html

Uhhh, anon? And anyone else reading this? Please don't send links like that if you can help it.
You (as in the anon who sent this) got off kind of lucky in that I'm not epileptic, so that link didn't affect me too much other than surprise, but that won't be the same case for people with issues with the extra flashing and etc.


Language: English