

Ask @renartism

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What do you wish you'd had time to do this summer?

Painting something, a Landscape of my own world or learn to paint a portrait. Using Oil Paint XD

Why are you so interested in death and depression?

Well, Death is our "Last Resort" in a different manner. Let's take it literally, a resort. Depression, in the other hand, is a reason of death. Depression is my only way of knowing myself now and sometimes, it gets me to the point of thinking of death and wishing that I'll meet him soon, sooner than you thought. Why am I so interested with it? Because it is the least thing that people think of. I want to be different from others to the point that they might criticize me. I'm interested with it because it still can be in the minds of many people rather than the opposite of it, people have the same ideas about it. Death is one thing that we will experience only once in our lives so before I feel it, I want to know lots of it. And also that they both starts with the D!

Who inspires you?

A lot, actually. Inspires me to draw, to write, to think, to.. Whatever. If I see a person and see his/her work, I get inspired but not so easily. Whatever that work is, what type it is, it inspires to do the same thing, the act.
Liked by: Sean Niz

Recall an embarrassing moment that happened recently.

Hmm. I didn't finished on time my duty. A work that was responsibly mine.
Liked by: Niz

What inspires you?

I always get inspired by a lot of things. Things I see. Makes me wander around my imagination. Makes me question myself a ton. Usually, of course, it's darkness around me. It's everywhere. Even if there's light, there's a shadow.
Liked by: Sean

What motivates you?

Being in the darkness, letting it cover me whole. Being alone, letting my mind entertain me. Entertain is another word for Torture, for me.
Liked by: Sean

How are you feeling right now?

Hmm.. I dunno. Sometimes I ask myself, what is this so called "feelings"? What does it do? What does it bring? Is pain a feeling? If so, why can't I feel a thing? Guess I'm really heartless.
Liked by: Sean Niz


Language: English