Ask @renent81

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aw nevsimej i tech mean holek <3 podle me renďa je roztomily :3

wtf biash im fabulous pfffft >< nevim co jim je -_- ale ted srsly několik lidí mi tak už řeklo a nikdy mi to funny nepřišlo :DDDD
Liked by: Lucy

Renata Ramšáková why you look this beautiful ?? why ?? why ?? why ?? specially your EYES <3

Haven't I...already ....answered this question? ...No? Okay again...YES LAY IS BJUTIFL ...and If you really mean ME - meaning you know what my face really looks like you? I guess? Eehm... and now.. pls.. you should probably go see a doctor and get your eyes checked o.O But yes, my eyes are fab...they're the only thing I actually like about there actually is one *O*...thank you again and hope your sight problems are only temporary <3

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What is the most important thing you have learned in life?

Do not give a shit about your own dignity...just do whatever the hell you want to do or you're gonna regret it :)))

What advice would you give to children today?

Do not try to find out who or what EXO not look at their pictures, do not listen to their music, do NOT EVER watch their videos and go study (y) :3

If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet?

Liked by: Lucy

After School

Dostala som : After School
Poznám ich: Ano, poznám :D
Mám ich rada: Nemám k nim ani kladný ani záporný vztah.....I'm just jelly of their bodies *O*
Bola som na koncerte: Nope
Chcela by som ísť: Jedině, kdyby to bylo zadarmo :DD

What's the worst advice you've ever taken?

Rite nau, all I can think about is Anterograde 'read AT'...thank you not doggy-ji T.T

What would the world be like without religion?

Ofc it would be better without those stupid religions -_- I'm not saying ALL of them are bad....just 99,99% :3
Liked by: Nikol

should December 9 be declared as "world happy day", as it's the birth date of " angle of happiness" ?

whut.....but if it means: world happy day=holiday=school CLOSED, CANCELED, IN DO NOT ENTER MODE.....Y NOT?!!!

which asian country you hate the most ?

Korea ofc...if you've been there you must know...too many oppas, too much hawtness, ovaries go boom every 20s ...worst country ever ><


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