

Ask @ryryry12345

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Opinion on your exes and your past love life? Are you seeing anyone now?

Wellllll. My past exes I don't talk to anyone of them except for one of them like a tiny bit. Which is great cause I don't really wanna talk to them. Um my exes are the reasons I don't trust anyone haha. They all cheated on me except for one of them. But what ever idc anymore about that.
My last love life. So I guess that would be with guys I didn't date too? Well I gotta admit you could've considered me easy like back in the spring time. Ahaha. But since then I've turned down guys, haven't gotten close with any guys at all, because no guys are worth my time cause the ones I've met have treated me like shit aha. So I mean I'm happy with myself, I only talk to 1 guy now cause I've finally met a guy actually worth my time haha. So opinion on my past love life, it was shitty till I turned it around and just basically reject every guy now haha.
And am I talking to any guys now. Well I actually am, 1 guy. He's pretty great, don't know each other well, but he's really nice, and actually wants to be friends haha. I don't know if we'll amount to more but I can't make that judgement cause we haven't known each other that long haha. He's a really decent guy. And from me decent is a compliment haha. But yeah. Who ever asked me this should come off anon, like who's actually taking an interest in my life hahaha

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What do you look for in a guy? Ive tried to get you to like me but you dont

Well for one I don't fall for someone just cause they're nice to me or what ever. Anyways. What I look for in a guy aha. Well if I could have what I wanted if it was actually realistic. It would be a guy who would show me that trust is still a thing, being faithful to who you're dating is still a thing. Cause honestly I don't date cause I've never met a guy who I can trust fully. I mean yeah I've dated in the past but I've never trusted anyone I've dated fully besides one person which they ended up to be horrible. Anyways. I want a guy who shows he's actually faithful, actually cares about me, my life. What I do. What I like what I wanna do. Someone who's not embarrassed to tell me silly stories about themself, someone who doesn't flirt with me 24/7 and likes to actually act like friends sometimes. Someone who shows me they absolutely want me, and no one else. Like if they like me prove it to me, don't go flirting with other people. When it comes down to it if I could just meet a guy who's able to get me to trust them then I'll know they're perfect ahaha. But that's not happened yet so aha. Probably will delete this soon but yeah.

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