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I kinda made a big mistake. So I started dating someone recently and the other day I realized that I don't truly wanna date this girl all I wanted was to get out of the single group so I had someone to call my own I also realized I still like my old crush and we wanna date but I'm already taken

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You screwed up, case closed.
The one thing that would always work things out in the end is : be honest. Told ya, you screwed up. Things gonna get messy at first, but trust me, honesty makes things work best in the end. Good luck.
break up with the current girl duh but let her doen slowly and sensitively and also tell her the truth, she deserves to know
The best thing you can do man is be honest. It's hard but she should know how you truly feel even if she doesn't understand
Tell the girl you are with, but don't be too blunt. Let them down gently and talk to them about everything. Both parties being heard is important, so if she has anything to say, listen, however, if she won't accept the fact that you want to break up, run lmao
I say end it and go with the other person. I just went through that and I chose the person I liked in the be beginning and was never over and I'm happier than ever. Just don't be rude, don't just break her heart mercilessly. Be polite about it and gentlemanly.

Language: English