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What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
I was the procrastinator, sadly 😅. I could get away with it because I did really well under pressure, but I often regret that I didn’t make an ambitious project of things. I should have endeavored to do things to the best of my abilities, rather than calculated what I could get away with. I still graduated with honors, but it’s a personal regret for me.
What type of student were youare you at your schooluniversity Studius


Nie wierz w bajki! Żadna armia inwazyjna, nie zaopatruje się w żywność na terytorium wroga, żadna! Nie po to szlaków zaopatrzenia czyli żywności i amunicji, strzegą wyrzutnie rakiet przeciwlotniczych, by armia która atakuje inny kraj, wystawiała się tak szkolnym błędem na dywersję! To dziecko w piątej klasie wie! To tak jakbym ja kupował winogrona u faceta któremu podbiłem i okupuję ziemię, licząc na cud że nie wpadnie kiedyś na pomysł by mnie otruć! Gdybyś wyłączył na chwilę propagandę i odpalił telegrama, to byś zobaczył że z Rosji na front całymi wagonami a później ciężarówkami zmierza zaopatrzenie, w tym żywność! Amerykanie gdy napadli na Irak, transportowali żywność transportowcami, to student pierwszego roku w akademii wojskowej wie hahahahaha ..

What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
Greetings, sir Man without Plan! Thank you for your question and welcome.
I was a little bit shy and quiet student at school. I've never ever been arrested or made bad things. More often I sat in the middle row because I was tall and my eyesight was good. I usually had fours and fives, but sometimes I got a three. I was rarely active in events.
What type of student were youare you at your schooluniversity Studius

What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
I was a pretty average student in school! Excelled in languages, History etc., not so much in maths and physics. I was never a lonely kid but I sometimes could be a little eccentric which lead to me being bullied quite a bit in my younger years. I was into Dinosaurs much later in life than most other kids, sometimes didn't think before I spoke and sometimes what I did say was completely misunderstood. I often stood out quite a bit since I grew very quickly when I was younger, making me often a head taller than the rest.
While many of my peers were out by the lakes drinking and partying, I spent my evenings by the pool training for competitions. At my peak I went and trained around 10 times a week. During P.E class when we went swimming, the teacher made me coach and had me teach the others on how to swim freestyle and backstroke 🏊

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What type of student were youare you at your schooluniversity Studius

What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
I was a good student both in schools (regular and musical) and in college.
At school I was different, I studied well, and at the same time I could be naughty - I talked to my friend in class.
If teachers often made comments to us, then my friend and I corresponded, wrote phrases on paper to each other.
What type of student were youare you at your schooluniversity Studius

What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
Naughty plus average.
I still prank my family and friends whenever I am in a mischievous mood.
I always played pranks and never got caught, literally teleported from one place to another in a radius of 500 meters. It's funny how I am calm and walk slowly for the sake of my position, and my students think I can't run and catch them when they are being naughty. I purposely let them be naughty, I mean this is their age, they can jump and run and laugh however they wish, I will catch them if they fall but I won't stop them from having fun.

What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
At school, I was an excellent student. Studying, in addition to geometry and English, was easy for me.
Studying really did not cause me supernatural work.
It was enough for me to attend lessons and listen to the teacher. All. I only crammed poems. And I quickly remembered them, despite their size.
I am not a diligent student.
But I, for example, did not cheat.
I hated those who lied.
I often had remarks about behavior.
For me running around school and shouting at recess is a sacred thing.
In high school, knowledge was already important to me, its value, not an assessment.
At the university, history repeated itself. Because of the easy perception of information, I got bored.

What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
✦ ───────────── ✦
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I was always a selective introvert.
I was rather average in most subjects except for the subjects in which I had a personal interest, and there I was also an A-grade student. In university it's pretty much the same, I guess. x'D

What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
My feelings on school have always been quite complicated. I absolutely love to learn. I'm a curious person by nature and I love discovering new things.
However, I'm also on the autism spectrum and I have ADHD. So school proved challenging at times. There's a lot of stories that I could tell but to sum it up briefly: I often struggled to concentrate due to how overwhelming the classroom could be. I also had some social issues which led to bullying, which also impacted my ability to focus on my schoolwork.
College/university was a much better experience. Although I did have to drop out of university the first time I went, due to some stuff that was happening in my personal life. I did end up going back, however, a couple of years ago. I'm about to enter my final year in September and I've really enjoyed the experience so far.
Of course, it helps that I'm studying something I'm deeply passionate about-- Literature and creative writing.

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What's the worst decision you've made so far? How did it affect you?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
I don't believe in horoscopes. But everytime I try to be friends with Scorpio. It turns out bad. As a science student, I can't ignore the probability. It has happened thrice with me. My all Scorpio friendships were hell bad and ended me with trauma.

What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
I used to be a mix between a ‘want to know it all’ and ‘here to have a fun time’ kind of person.
I worked hard, always strived for good grades, but I mostly strived for understanding what I was learning (this is still the case today). Then at the same time I loved to have fun with my classmates and friends. 😄
At high school we always had time at the end of each class to do some self work. The first two years I only spend that time chatting with others lol. Which resulted in me having a lot of homework to do after school. Then after that, I started taking it seriously and made sure I made most of the homework during that time already. Which then resulted in me having way more free time (to spend with my friends, yee!) 😌

What is something you feel you’ve outgrown recently? (Can be anything, a certain mindset, belief system, a preference, etc). 🙇💡

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I definitely don't have nearly as much FOMO as I used to! In the past, I tried to be a part of everything I wanted to, take positions in the student life etc. But that did burn me out in the end, something I'll try to remedy by not being part of the student musical next semester for example. Now I really do value the time I get to just spend at home by myself. In the end, I was often so caught up in all the activities so I couldn't really appreciate them all. Especially as I got more responsibility 😵‍💫
What is something you feel youve outgrown recently Can be anything a certain

How do you prepare yourself for any social interaction? :-|

espresso6785’s Profile Photoummay
I don’t. I just stay low key and chup chup if I am around strangers.
The most awkward gatherings are the ones where I am supposed to entertain guests who I don’t really know. So I just take my chances in those by talking about their student life etc

What's the fanciest event you've ever attended?

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
In the Swedish student life, extravagant balls are quite common! I've gone to a few and they've always been fun! Last one I went to, a movie I made was shown in front of 600+ people and it was an absolute success! Many laughed and applauded throughout! For men the dress code is a black and white tail coat! Which you often cover with various medals you've recieved! 🤵🎖️
Whats the fanciest event youve ever attended

When cooking, how much do you usually make? 🍲

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It really depends. I usually make for two people and a little extra when I make. It all depends on if it’s possible though. For example: I was cooking a lot when my boyfriend had his own little student studio. We only had two small pits in his kitchen, so that made preparing larger meals a bit harder.

Anything that could make me cry badly?

-Artist hain tou aapki drawing/painting pay paani gir gaya hai
-Makeup pasand hai tou lipstick toot gayi hai, eyeliner chori hogaya hai
-Corporate slave hain tou presentation jo banayi thi wo save karna bhool gayieen
-Teacher hain tou summer vacations khatam honay wali hain
-University student hain tou phhuppo k ghar say rishta aaya hai
kuch relatable lagay tou feel kar k rou lain...
Happy Crying ✌🏻

If you start working in McDonald’s( you’re a student) will your acquaintances make fun of you?

Who cares what others think. Do what you need to do for yourself and go make that money regardless of what anyone has to say. A job is a job and if they make fun of you for it then remove them from your life. Simple as that ✌️

If you could only bookmark 6 websites which 6 you gonna choose?

That's a tough choice!
Here's my list:
1. Google - For search needs.
2. Wikipedia - For quick information on almost anything.
3. PubMed - Essential for a medical student to access research papers.
4. BBC News - For staying updated on global news.
5. YouTube - For tutorials, entertainment, and more.
6. Reddit - For community discussions and diverse topics.
What about you?

What do you miss about your school-going days?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
– How, because it was a very small one consisting of only 150 students, I knew everybody. And when I say everybody, I mean it. I was literally friends with this grade 1 student, she wrote an essay on me for the topic "best friend."
– How I'd play head and tails with everyone during free periods. We were SO loud.
– At the back of our class, we had this empty place without any seats. Whenever we had a free unit, we all sat on the floor. Collective floor time??? Hello??? We were literal goals.
– My classmates. I will never vibe with humans like I vibe with them. I love them so much it hurts.
– Luca. That kitten. I adopted him for a month before he went away :(
– I was a prefect. During break time, I was assigned the duty of supervising the "ground" where students of grade 4 till grade 7 were allowed. Sab badmaash thay. I miss handling them.
– We had two consecutive units of Economics on Mondays in grade 9, and my teacher would ask me to sit in front right after entering the class because I always fell asleep.
– The gossip. We'd talk about everything.
– PT. Please, the best unit ever. I miss Tuesdays.
– MY ART TEACHER. I used to bully him and he'd let me. Love that old dude.
– Van times. We had a group, we'd wait for everyone to leave so we could play Kings.
– Singing all the time.
– One time, a class fellow lost his brother. We all cried with him.
– How I'd see my Chemistry teacher enter school and he'd laugh at my grimace every single day. I always used to tell him to take a goddamn break.

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Do you think it’s creepy how normalized and romanticized the relationships between teachers and students were in old movies and series? I mean, even if the actors were both adults, one portrayed, a teacher, a.k.a. a grown adult and the other portrayed a highschool student a.k.a. A minor.

I didn’t think of it as creepy when I was younger but, the thought of a high school teacher being interested in a student/minor is now something that makes me feel uncomfortable.

Do you think it’s creepy how normalized and romanticized the relationships between teachers and students were in old movies and series? I mean, even if the actors were both adults, one portrayed, a teacher, a.k.a. a grown adult and the other portrayed a highschool student a.k.a. A minor.

A lot of things in movies wouldn’t be acceptable irl. We need to remember they are only movies. But I see where you’re coming from and too many people base real life on fake things.

Do you believe in an honest, unqualified person or inhonestly qualified people in general?

HappyBoss_’s Profile PhotoAnon+
If you mean whether unqualified people i.e. people without higher education can be honest, so yes, I believe that they can 🤷‍♀️.... And inhonestly qualified people unfortunately exist too.😬 One our professor marked exam of one student from other country as FX and ambassador of this country came to him with a threat, so I am persuaded that this student will be even inhonestly graduated! 🤷‍♀️

Were you almost always the student with good grades or mediocre grades?

Good but I wasn’t into it. I was just naturally good at school work. I had a lot of anxiety issues so it probably affected my entire school experience. I did it because I was forced to until I wasn’t and began schooling at home by choice.

I got a problem. Serious suggestions please. I'm a Student. I'm a muslim. I live in a Western country. I do a job where both men and women work together. Girls wear shorts and inappropriate dresses and I'm not able to save myself seeing them in short dresses. Should i quit that job ?

I believe you control your thoughts and save your eyes from sins,
You should practice more islam,
a class fellow i know of mine used to fast alternative on days to prevent him from talking or seeing girls.
I cant tell what aura he had. The pure you are the more you attract sins.
Yet i was amazed to see him practice islam in such young age. 🙂

I got a problem. Serious suggestions please. I'm a Student. I'm a muslim. I live in a Western country. I do a job where both men and women work together. Girls wear shorts and inappropriate dresses and I'm not able to save myself seeing them in short dresses. Should i quit that job ?

If you can’t control yourself morally, physically or otherwise then I guess that’s your only option.

I got a problem. Serious suggestions please. I'm a Student. I'm a muslim. I live in a Western country. I do a job where both men and women work together. Girls wear shorts and inappropriate dresses and I'm not able to save myself seeing them in short dresses. Should i quit that job ?

Serious suggestion my project manager tends to be in night suit when I was working for company it's their culture you just know your limits you good job chorh kr kuch faida nahi

weil ich lynoes frage und solastas interpretation so cool fand, klaue ich sie einfach (ich hoffe, das ist okay🙈) wie wäre deine gottheit in einem modern au und teile wenn du magst ein fakeinstaprofil~

lunaphile’s Profile Photoskotophobia
danke für die frage, ich liebe die antworten hierauf :D ich hatte ja auf so etwas gehofft, als ich die frage das erste mal gestellt habe :D
zu meiner miss birth of beauty...
🦋 her dad is a famous actor, her mother a former politician, and giyeon is a nepo baby
🦋 giyeon is a model and influencer who launched a beauty brand named “beauty and duty”
🦋 her social media accounts blew up internationally after her appearance on “singles inferno,” where she was the most popular girl. she ended up choosing between three love interests and left the show in a relationship with a fitness influencer. they broke up shortly after
🦋 giyeon is known for her beauty and cute personality, though there are rumors and even scandals about her being arrogant and snobby
🦋 she had a couple of minor acting jobs in k-dramas, always portraying a regina george type of girl
🦋 everyone knows that giyeon loves luxury brands, but she promotes every shitty brand her management, “clan of the sun,” tells her to
🦋 she has been at a yoga retreat in bali for a couple of weeks now and has started posting spiritual quotes
🦋 rumor has it she met a law student there whom all her friends hate…

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weil ich lynoes frage und solastas interpretation so cool fand klaue ich sie

weil ich lynoes frage und solastas interpretation so cool fand, klaue ich sie einfach (ich hoffe, das ist okay🙈) wie wäre deine gottheit in einem modern au und teile wenn du magst ein fakeinstaprofil~

ich habe lowkey ein bisschen zu viel gestrugglet ihr insta zu erstellen - aber jetzt bin ich endlich zufrieden c:
hier auch noch mein facts zu danbi in einem modern au (ngl habe richtig lust darauf bekommen das jetzt umzusetzen lol)
ა she is an art student and is often seen working late when all the others have already left
ა she owns a maltese called bom since she bought her in spring
ა her instagram account was created by her best friend isom and her girlfriend dayoung, with whom she also shares her apartment
ა it took literal ages till dayoung and danbi realized that they were in love, but now they’re happier than ever
ა loves dancing and often takes dance lessons in her off time
ა she has tons of follower requests, but doesn’t know how to accept them, hence why she has so few followers, though being often seen in isoms videos
ა danbi loves to explore the city and the nature nearby with bom - often also accompanied by isom or dayoung
ა huge girlgroup stan, her favorite is oh my girl and her favorite song is closer
ა hobby photographer, her favorite models are her dog and dayoung

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weil ich lynoes frage und solastas interpretation so cool fand klaue ich sie

weil ich lynoes frage und solastas interpretation so cool fand, klaue ich sie einfach (ich hoffe, das ist okay🙈) wie wäre deine gottheit in einem modern au und teile wenn du magst ein fakeinstaprofil~

Fand die Frage persönlich ja auch sehr cool, deswegen vielen Dank, dass wir sie jetzt auch beantworten dürfen 👀
Ich orientiere mich hierbei auch mal ganz an dem Stil, wie die liebe Solasta die Frage beantwortet hat. Hier also mal ein paar Facts, wie ich mir Sena und ihr Leben so in einer modern au vorstellen würde:
- She is an art student in her last year and some of her paintings are already quite popular.
- Also started working as a freelance model, because she always received many requests and had a lot of fun trying it.
- She and her two best friends, Seoho and Soyeon, have a yearly tradition of going to every big and popular festival together. From Coachella to Burning Man.
- Did ballet throughout her entire childhood and teenage years, and always got the role of the black swan in their annual performance of Swan Lake.
- According to her friends, who keep an exact record, she has already broken over 200 hearts in her lifetime. Usually with pure intent.
- Is a wine lover and expert. She herself has some quite expensive ones at home.
- Whether it's clothing, furniture or even food, nothing but expensive and luxury products are good enough for her.
- Recently moved in together with her long-term and on-and-off girlfriend Jiu. Their friends really hope that they will now stop regularly breaking up with each other.

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weil ich lynoes frage und solastas interpretation so cool fand klaue ich sie

What has been on your mind lately?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
@redoasis2017 This also answers your question "What is something you wish you had figured out sooner?"
I wish I would have realized sooner that I need to step away from certain things in the student life that took too much of my time and energy, even if they were fun. I didn't prioritize my own health and wellbeing, which is something I'll start doing more. This summer my main focus is gonna be to make healthy habits stick. To learn how to cook new exciting dishes that are still healthy, to stick to a consistent yet sustainable workout schedule and keep a better track of my caloric intake. So that's what's been on my mind lately! Then in the autumn I'll not be part of the student musical, so I can have the time and energy to keep those habits going 💪🍏
What has been on your mind lately

Čekají mě v Praze přijímačky a trochu se tam bojím kvůli prosincovému incidentu. Je tam bezpečno a případně co mám dělat, neprůstřelné triko, vestu, aby se mi nic nestalo?:D stojí to asi 12 tisíc to tričko

Jako lol...jedeš tam na přijímačky na školu? Tudíž v případě přijetí tam v Paze budeš pak i normálně pobývat, pokud se jedná o denní studium. Pokud by to bylo dálkové studium, tak tam taky budeš muset jezdit pravidelně. Jestli se bojíš už jenom toho jednodenního výletu do toho města, tak bys měl/a fakt zvážit, jestli to má smysl se na tu školu hlásit. Když tedy Prahu považuješ za takto nebezpečné místo.
A jinak oni podobné incidenty jako v prosinci v Praze na FF UK se v naší zemi staly v posledních asi deseti letech i jinde. Ona ta neprůstřelná vesta by se ti možná hodila i jinde než v Praze. V Ostravě v nemocnici a v Uherském Brodu v hospodě taky podobný šílenec takhle postřílel pár lidí.
Někdy před dvaceti lety vrah Viktor Kalivoda plánoval v Praze vystřílet metro. Ten to měl dost podobné jako vrah z FF UK. Taky si to natrénoval v lese, kde nejdřív zastřelil pár lidí a pak ho naštěstí policajti zadrželi už u něho doma před vchodem když měl s plným arzenálem zbraní nakročeno do toho metra střílet. Je možná i paradox, že tenkrát se povedlo takovému incidentu zabránit a teď při dnešních technologiích tomu v prosinci nezabránili, byť pražská policie měla toho vraha takřka na mušce. Bohužel nespojili správně indicie a samotné střelbě nezabránili.
Do budoucna se z toho můžeme poučit, jak příště podobným incidentům předejít. Ono když by úřady byly lépe digitálně propojeny a vědělo by se předem, že onen střelec byl psychiatrickým pacientem a zároveň vlastníkem tolika zbraní ještě k tomu jako student VŠ, hned by to bylo celé víc podezřelé.

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Do you like to decorate your electronics (laptop, phone, tablet, etc) with stickers?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
Not really, I prefer a more clean look when it comes to my electronics! 🖥️ That goes for most things honestly, the only thing I've decorated with stickers at my place is my song book which I have with me to sit-down dinners with my student organization!
Do you like to decorate your electronics laptop phone tablet etc with stickers

What’s been happening with you the past two years? Anything eventful happening on here?

itzmanu_’s Profile PhotoManu
Well, I took my bachelor's degree! 🥳 And started my master's degree! Then I've been active in a student musical, this semester I was the head of marketing, even got an award for my efforts. At the same time I've also been the one in charge of making movies / videos at my student organization! I had one shown in front of 600+ people at a ball last year and it was recieved so, so well! Much more has happened but I've mostly just been trying to enjoy life!
Ask has stayed pretty much the same sadly, I can't remember the last time we had an update that actually changed anything 😅 But many of the people I enjoy talking to have stayed and some like you, have even returned! So that's why I keep on being here, even after all these years 😊
Whats been happening with you the past two years Anything eventful happening on

What sport did you play growing up?

alishapawar5’s Profile PhotoAlisha
When I was younger I was into freediving and bowling! But the main sport that took up most of my childhood was competitive swimming! What I was best at was long distance swimming, I swam 1500 m freestyle in around 18 minutes at my peak! That was the event I qualified to championsips in. I still swim with a student swim club and by myself. But even now, I'm not the most explosive person in the water 🏊
What sport did you play growing up

How often do you procrastinate? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
More often than I'd like to admit 😅 Even when I I've made sure to be completely ready to work on an assignment for example, I often struggle to do much unless it's like the day when it's due! Hopefully next semester I'll feel more motivated with me having decided I'll take a break from some of the student life and give myself more free time!
How often do you procrastinate

How long have you been using social media for and how has your relationship with it evolved over the years?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
I joined Facebook when I was 12! I wasn't into MSN so that was the first social media I joined, soon followed by Instagram. It's weird cause social media and messaging apps has honestly become more and more important to me over the years! Nowadays, it's the only way for me to get in touch with some of my closest friends since they live far away! And in the student life, Facebook is often used as the platform to organize events, share information in big groups etc. Then most of my group chats are on Facebook messenger! 📱
How long have you been using social media for and how has your relationship with

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