
Rizka Malahayati

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Latest answers from Rizka Malahayati

Who is the funniest comedian?

@farahayu17 @indaahp !!!!. They are not the funniest nor the comedian. But they're my favourite reason to laugh so hard that always make me think to have a third lung because their sense of humor are just as despicable as mine

Kangen ngetz :'

Farhah Ayu
Close your eyes and imagine that we're laughing so damn hard like we did on this picture
(Btw mukanya udah ku sensor jab. Jadi ampuni aku ya he he he kusuka sekali foto ini)

kapan sama yang baru? ;)

Why should I start with something new when all I had was still enough to give me a full excitement and devastation at the same time? Turns out that I am a masochistic kinda person now. Phew.

Language: English