

Ask @sean_trackstar4269

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If you're reading this, even if we barely talk, comment a memory you have of us. After you're done post this on your wall. You'd be surprised what people remember about you.

No i saw this on my fb new's feed

Do I realize I was caught in a hypocritical statement? No, you are stupid I am stating facts. Trump and Fact Fairies 2016

Say that to my face i dare you 😜😜

The evil media has painted an evil light on trump, he can do no wrong, and he is the nicest, most generous, most calm, never lecherous person that has ever existed. Trump does use the evil media to support his agendas though, but that is okay because trump is righteous and others are just deceivers.

Or just a plain dumbass 😂😂😂

Of course it’s not my fact fairy says I have freedom of speech, so I will say what I want provided my fact fairy says it’s okay. Trump will save America by building a wall, cutting our taxes, and building our military up. Fact fairies support trump so therefore I do.

Whatever you say

No, of course I wouldn't want to be a landscaper’s aid, or fruit picker, or motel maid, or dishwasher, those are below my status. Do I understand that by advocating for jailing, or beheading, deporting my current president is technically an act of treason?

Maybe 😜😜

No, I am not ignorant, you are stupid for suggesting that. Fact fairies protect me like my constitution which I have never read, but the fact fairies tell me it does, so it must be true. Speaking of facts, illegal immigrants are only here to ruin the nation and steal our jobs.


It is a sound system. Obama is the evil fairy king and wants to destroy all of the fact fairies I get my information from. Why would I want to know if there are countering arguments to my statements? I am right because the magic fact fairies say so.


Hi, I am a typical trump supporter, I believe everything told to me and everything that is on my right wing pages. No, of course I don't fact check the sources, they have never lied to me before. I get my facts from people who get their facts from magical fact fairies.

Fun fact about trump he told a person to leave his tower because he was fat


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