

Ask @SelGualbz

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How do people think you're from Manila? You don't act like one naman

idk bc i don't speak davao conyo and bisaya daw HAHA i knowww i look like im from da ~mountains~

How about Ateneans?

(im an atenean by heart... jk) heart strong! pinupuno nila cbtl and starbucks huhuhu but yay customers?!!

What do you think of La Sallians?

they're all bracket a++! hahaha my lasallian friends are all nice and awesome <3

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"Do I seem like one?" No not really haha like I said you just have some friends here

name some of my friends! are we friends haha

Not that you give off the Manila girl vibe. You just have some friends here lol

because i go to school there...?? and what friends loljk

Ohh so you're not a Manila girl?? I thought you were hahaah oops

do i seem like one?? hahaha but yeah people think im from manila until they find out i don't know a thing about manila geography and transpo~

What are you asking Joaqui? The one about AC air or fresh air

what?? i gave that question to everyone i follow on ask.fm

Are you close with thaniah Guevara??

not really because @thanaerys don't get to talk a lot but we're friends and we fangirl over bands and football and talk about cute boys n_n

can you describe Joni

@r3ike is my bebe! i see tons of potential in him but he doesn't have the attitude to maximize it lol~ he's cool and thin (yes) and jai ho haahahdkd jk

Take a picture of your home library.

they recently took down the shelves of encyclopedias and stuff but this is my room's "library"

What is the last thing you downloaded into your computer?

norwegian wood (2010)
it doesn't make as much sense if you don't read the book tho (or maybe im just stupid??)

oooh, so can you make fancy schmancy dishes??? haha what do you learn in food tech??? and what do you want to do once you graduate?? (omg daming tanong sarreeeh)!!!! i am takin up Film cause I've always been a massive film geek growin up! :3

they don't teach us anything artsy about food :-( we learn about the science of food (mostly chem ewww) like shelf life, safety, quality etc. i want to travel after college!! go backpacking around the world & stuff n_n
that's so cool yay pls invite me when you have a showing/defense (whatever u guys call it lol) or something!

WHOA COOOOOL!! why are you taking up food tech? :D

because i wanted to take up culinary arts all my life (blame the lifestyle channel) but then i went to pisay and had to take a science course and it was the only one related to food so.... hehe hbu what's your course nga?
Liked by: margarita

You seem to know a lot about incest though . . . moar please.

that's about it omg but isn't the hemophilia thing common knowledge??

WINcest . . . win na incest . . . WINCEST!

incest does not win. haven't you heard of hemophilia (among other disorders)??


Language: English