

Ask @SelGualbz

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Di ba WINCEST yung sagot mo sa "Who will be the next person you will kiss?"

what's wincest? pwede ba lancester na lang jk u_u

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Which dove and which loreal?

the pink loreal (or was it orange?) and the green dove. sometimes the pink dove. depends on my mood HAHA

Lol how is it on your hair? What did you use before?

I feel like mulan sometimes!! and it smells nice! lol i used pert for a week prior, but before that it was dove/loreal for the longest time (I don't like their smell tho :-( )
Liked by: Michael Warming

What shampoo do you use?

oh man oh man i've been waiting for someone to ask me this!! i saw this in the supermarket last week after a mulan marathon and i just had to buy it!!
Liked by: margarita

WHAAAAAT WHY :( anw text me agad ha! i haven't changed my number

i really don't feel like facing my parents' wrath lels and ofc babe!

how are ya :( magbbrf 3 ka ba? tangina di kita matext huhuhuhu network probz

I'm getting a globe number soon! not going to brf3 hahahuhu

what was your high school stereotype??? c:

i'd like to think that we didn't have stereotypes bc we were all nerds (lol) but i was one of "the boys at the back" being lazy and stuff. i also was labeled as "band/drummer girl" hahaha but overall i felt like a loser

Describe the first five people on your ask.fm timeline. You can include or exclude his/her username/name.

esgue - my jeje friend jk haven't met her yet but i've been wanting to for ages!
wacky - friend from high school, band dude hahaha
lee - my blaq momma!!!! i miss u momma lee :(
anton - cool boysen guy with awesome anons and witty answers lel
joni - my bebe whom i miss!!

Have you ever attended a college party or a club party? What was it like?

actually no, unless you count house parties with high school batchmates lels and they were like kiddie parties only w/ booze??
i've been to bars w/ dancing and all but i'm v v socially awks so they're not my thing

What age are you allowed to have a girlfriend/boyfriend? If you have one now, do your parents know about it?

once i get a job! I tried having one in hs but i felt guilty lels


Language: English