

Ask @sharifah0411

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Where your passion lies?

Depends at times i depend on sports to show my abilities and strength but at times i am also inclined to music and i'll just i'll let my feelings control me

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How many people do you think you've met in your life?

Everyday I meet different people and it is nice to see or meet someone who is different from you;)

When has science been wrong?

Science is always right;)
Biology teaches us about sex
Chemistry teaches us about the bonding
Physics teaches us about life

Have you been broken?

A couple of times to be honest...
I know it hurts but hey, if someone out there does not treat you right, forget about that person.. you out there are perfect to me eventhough i know we have not met.

What is the best news you could hear right now?

The best news i can ever receive is that i have inspired people out there to their full potential 💝

How can you be motivated?

Easy... keep telling yourself that you can do it.

How often do you think about your future?

Almost everyday. I believe 'future' is important because thats where a new chapter or phase of life begins for 99% of you out there. Well, for that 1% of people are those who gave up on their future.
I mean who does not care for their future. I want my future to be the journey that i would not forget and basically enjoy life as it is already is.
Tips: For those out there who has already achieve your dreams, work harder and achieve more success in life.
For those who is working towards it now, be it after school or stg, never give up on the dream you always wanted. Work the extra miles to achieve it and be the best♥

What was the last thing you paid for?

My braces...
(Btw, great news!!! I am done with braces by the end of the year)

Who do you like best RN: your Mom or Dad?

Hahahaha...i cant possibly pick between the two people i love.They brought me here and i still have the mn to support me in any situations

Hey can you follow @sleepinthegardo and like all her answers? I will like your answers back but if you give her a gift I will give u 3 gifts and 200 likes! send me done ❤️#followed


Good morning/evening 😊sorry for bothering you but can you like @miIeyrcyruz answers and follow her? 💖 i will like your answers back🙈, if you give her a gift I will give you 2 gift and spam you from different accounts 😉 #followed (don't answer but send "done")


hey! how are you? hope you are having a good day / night! so.. could you please follow @princesselenita & like her 2 answers? it would be very helpful of you! if you do so, just send me done and i will like your answers! i'm already following hou! thank you, love you 💕

Hey 😘

Good morning/evening 😊 how are u? sorry for bothering you but can you like @pezzalittlemixedwards answer and nd follow her? It will mean a lot i will like your answers back and give u a gift 🙈 #followed

Jai Brooks
Good morning/evening to you too. I am great and i hope you are too. All done jai..😘


Language: English