
Shenny Yang

Shenny, I am in an LDR now and I do love my boyfriend very much. However recently I have developed a crush on my guy friend and I feel soooo guilty.. Have you experienced this before?? Do you have some advice for me :(

Hello babe!! I know how you feel~ I guess its just because you feel lonely since your bf isn't around to accompany you, and its easy to get distracted by other guys!
Well, maybe you could have a talk with ur bf on how he feels about you/about this matter? I admit LDR isn't easy. Alot of trust and faith is required! I am sorry I can't help you :( But I hope you do feel better soon okay <3

Latest answers from Shenny Yang

Hi Shenny, I dont want H meant by you not ready for marriage but you don't ever have to change! Marriage is better spontaneous, exciting and unconventional! I travelled a lot even with kids. They travel for free before 2yo. The travelling bug will never leave you! ❤️

Hello dear :) hahahahaha ohwellz maybe there are somethings that I am still unwilling to sacrifice for... idk :/

shenny do you know how much is iphone 5se in singapore?

eh sorry idk I'm a samsung user not iphone

Hey just wanna comment that you have damn nice legs :) and you look super hot!!!

Hahahaha omg noooo my legs are so fat T_T but thank you anyway lol!!!

hahahahaha it appeared no choice? Had a good good laugh about it so I got to thank you! And where did you get your translucent leggings that keeps you warm wuhhhhhh

Wha what century already why are you still wearing leather pants and translucent stockings WITH military boots oh god save my eyes

??? It was 16deg in Taipei whats wrong w wearing sockings?? U wna save ur eyes then why dont look at my pics la..... why are u even looking at my pics and taking the effort to conment. This is so stupid I can't even handle

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