

Latest answers from ShinElise신에리스

Are you outgoing or shy?

Definitely outgoing person- but if I'm with someone I admire then I guess I'm more shy:)

Do you keep your room clean or messy?

it has to be clean actually..at least the ground haha xD

Do you prefer books or movies?

it depends.. I love reading books <3 but some movies are great ^^

What do you think people should do more often?

hard to say... people aren't the same so it's different :)

I love your fanfic "I will heal you" omg. You're a genius, trust me...Ily ;-;

omo, really?? thank you so much <3 I'm glad you like it^^ lots love to you~

What books do you plan to read?

The Book of Life for sure <3 it's the last one of books from All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness .. those books are pure gold I tell you :)

What's one thing you hate sharing?

bottle of water or bed.. I hate when people ask "Do you have a water?" and then want to drink from it. I mean, hell, you aren't my BF or GF or family or whatever >< and bed.. well, I like MY scent there. not anyone else's

How often do you think about your future?

quite often actually... but not too deeply, just thoughts about where will I be, what will I do and so on

What do you think about more than anything else?

SHINee's Jonghyun xD (he's pure perfection) and SHINee in general to be honest xD

Language: English