

Latest answers from ShinElise신에리스

Do you keep your room clean or messy?

it has to be clean actually..at least the ground haha xD

Do you prefer books or movies?

it depends.. I love reading books <3 but some movies are great ^^

What do you think people should do more often?

hard to say... people aren't the same so it's different :)

I love your fanfic "I will heal you" omg. You're a genius, trust me...Ily ;-;

omo, really?? thank you so much <3 I'm glad you like it^^ lots love to you~

What angers you the most?

when people judge others without knowing them. AND when people are fake

What books do you plan to read?

The Book of Life for sure <3 it's the last one of books from All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness .. those books are pure gold I tell you :)

What's one thing you hate sharing?

bottle of water or bed.. I hate when people ask "Do you have a water?" and then want to drink from it. I mean, hell, you aren't my BF or GF or family or whatever >< and bed.. well, I like MY scent there. not anyone else's

How often do you think about your future?

quite often actually... but not too deeply, just thoughts about where will I be, what will I do and so on

What do you think about more than anything else?

SHINee's Jonghyun xD (he's pure perfection) and SHINee in general to be honest xD

Language: English