

Isn't it rude that you only sponsor people who have huge YouTube accounts. there are so many people who don't have 10k followers but need it way more. I get that you help some of your sponsors and are very kind and generous, but you should choose at least one person who can support u in other ways?

I already have sponsors with less than 10k

Latest answers from MSS

Aw can't wait to see you with your new horse! How old is she/he? Does he/she have a lot of experience? Seems young! :)


Hey i saw you are away training in Europe & also bought a new horse (she looks so nice!!) And i was just wondering how you found the place you are at & how it works as im looking at doing the same sort of thing to help my riding? Would i be able to DM you about it if you don't wanna talk on here?

I found the barn through a friend so I recommend asking your friends and finding one through them

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