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Ask @silentkokoro

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What are some ways you are alike/different with each of your siblings?

We're all pretty loud.
We all either start with S or R.
My older sister and I are shopaholics.
My younger sister and I play games with each other.
My baby sister and I have more of my daddy's facial features.
My baby baby sister and I are both born the year of the rat.
My younger sister and I can be picky eaters
My younger sister and I share the same room.
My older sister and I like to leave the house a lot.
My older sister and I exercise together.
Etc. can't think of any others right now.
My older sister can be pretty bipolar.
My older sister can drive. ("Mommy Sam")
My older sister wears make up, and I do once in a blue moon.
My older sister goes to university, but I'm still in high school.
My older sister is a shoeaholic. I'm a clothingholic.
My younger sister is awkward around people. I'm loud.
My younger sister dislikes shopping. I like to shop.
My younger sister LOVES minecraft. I refuse to.
My baby sister can be rude since she's spoiled.
My baby baby sister tends to ignore people when she doesn't need anything.
Everyone's cute, but me. (:

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryY3pKAIcSw#t=133 What do you think of it? Cuter than gwiyomi or vice versa?

I find them to be completely different types of "cute," so I can't really compare them. Gwiyomi is more of facial motions while that video featured dancing. Gwiyomi is fun for many to do, but I feel like the dance is better for petite people or well... Children.
I prefer Gwiyomi though, to answer your question.

Yep!:) Okay good bc I asked other ppl if they know what it was, they looked at me weird. :c

Haha, I think it's pretty good. You should just tell them it's like Starburst, but a little harder. :3

Do you make 11:11 wishes?

Sometimes. If I happen to catch it, but I'm not really going to wait for 11:11. xD

If you could have a kpop wedding, who would be your groom, maid of honor and your grooms best man?

I have never thought about a kpop wedding, LOL.

do you like knock-off brands?

I don't really mind them because they're cheaper and sometimes I don't even know they're a knock-off until someone says something. xD

Post a photo you took today?

I just woke up not too long ago, so here's a picture from last night.
My grandma made me my favorite coconut sweet. ^______^

Haha of course! Like Hyuna says, "cream cream cream.... I can melt you down like ice cream" Are u fan of hers? o:

Yeah, I like Hyuna. But I preferred her more in the debut days of 4Minute and such. She seems too try hard to be sexy now... I like her and all, so I'm not trying to bash, it's just I preferred the old her.
Liked by: Katrina

Aww :c Whale I wanted to take u to this fro-yo place that has mochi/boba toppings :3 since you said you've never tried mochi?

Haha, I'd still go of course. xD It's just not amazing to me because I love how creamy ice cream is.

mochi ice cream or bubble tea?

I've never really had mochi, so I can't really choose based on what I haven't had!

Are you excited for school?

I'm usually only excited for the first few days because its intriguing to know what your schedule is, who your classmates are, and who you have lunch with! And of course, social contact. But I'm going to get bored of it eventually, hahaha.
At least it's senior year, so it shouldn't be too bad!

What's one way to make you mad?

Lie to me, and then I find out. -______- Just be honest, seriously. I'd rather have the harsh truth over petty lies.

Hey I just met you and this is crazy so here's my number... what will you do?

Depending on if I know you or not, text you through an app or text you using my actual phone number.

When is the last time you told somone you love them?

This morning to my dad.
It really bothers me how the question of the day says "somone" ...

Do you think being happy is different than being proud?

Of course! Sometimes you can be happy in life, but not really be "proud" of anything. You simply enjoy life. But sometimes you're proud of things you've done, but aren't exactly satisfied and happy. It's kind of a "I accomplished something" sort of thing that fades away over time.


Language: English