
Solida Chem

Ask @silentkokoro

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Hey whenever you go to a party, do you sometimes feel left out?

Sometimes. =p I'm not I to parties much, so yeahhh.

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hey gurl did it hurt when u fell out of heaven

No, but my nails hurt because I dug myself out from HELL.
Hahahaha, okay no. XD

Your very emotionless most of the times are you?

Not really. If you're talking about the way I type, then it's just because I think it looks nicer/neater this way. =p
If you're talking about in person, then I'm probably just tired.

If so, why couldn't we all still not come :'(

Because there would be no point if the Singaporean committee was just planning for their event, haha.

So... How was the committee and your COOL NEW FRIENDS?!?! >:(

Haha, it was fine. Only two people showed to anyway ~
And pfftt, everyone is my cool friend. :3

Hey pres. Even when it's Singapore, Laos, or Indonesia's turn( plz remind me ;A; Everyone else can come Thursday right?

Haha, I sure can as long as you tell me who you are. xD
And I'm not sure who is coming because Shamy was the one notifying people! If you mean officers, then I believe we can all make it unless something pops up.

Do you ever get stressed out en you look at your grades?

I don't exactly get /stressed/ too much over them, but I wish my English grade was better.

Tbh hello I don't know you but you seem pretty cool and loving haha and thank you for liking my answers too :)

Joshua Diong
Haha, thank you. (: And no problem! You're a nice guy ~

How would you describe yourself in 3 words? Your siblings?

Me: Awkward. Meh. Insecure.
Older sister: Crazy, fit, and bipolar - hehhh.
Little sister: Weird, awkward, and ewhie - hurrdurrr.
Baby sister: Loud, crazy, and wow.
Little baby sister: Loud, crazy, and super wow.

If a friend leaves you, blocks you and ignores you but they "come back," would you allow them to be your friends again?

It really depends on who they are. For the most part, I'll welcome them back, but I'm not sure if I'll act the same. I've been really iffy with friendships/relationships lately. =\


Language: English