

do you ever look at someone you dont talk to anymore and think "man I miss them so much"

Not really. Simply because I don't want to change who I am right now and if I dont talk to that person they are clearly not a part of who I am. But there is a handful of people that I would still talk to that I dont anymore

Latest answers from simondimaria

If someone granted you 3 wishes, what would you wish for?

Nothing. I don't like when things are handed to me. They don't feel like they're mine

"ever question your sexuality ? Not once. I know that there is plenty of people who have done it about me but I know who I am and what I am attracted to 11 days ago" So that is a answer to an old question. But the real question is. What is it you're attracted to?

Honesty. Loyalty. Kindness. How real a person is. Creativity. Intellect. The ability to hold a conversation. There's plenty of other small things. This answer seems pretty general but I am very picky

Love anyone?

This is such a ridiculous question just because you and me have two different thoughts on what love is. Do I love someone the way you think love is. Probably not. But do I think I love someone the way love is, than yes I do

Is it really fair to her that you would make her the second priority? It seems that's what you've done, no denying it. How is that right if she's so patient and caring, that's just taking advantage of her good qualities then. Why don't you want anything outside of her to change? They probs should...

Alright first of all I am not making her a second priority. If she was a second priority I wouldn't care about how she feels and I wouldn't hate myself when I upset her. And ya I can admit I take advantage of her sometimes but its not on purpose. Its subconscious its so many things except on purpose. It is my fault though so I'm not trying to divert the blame Im just saying its not on purpose. And I don't want things outside of her to change because thats not how I believe a relationship should work. Two people really match when their two lives can be put together and neither of them has to sacrifice something. And I'm not talking about specifics like how much time you spend with someone I'm talking about the people you talk to, the activities you do, the way you act. Stuff like that. It wouldn't be fair for me to ask her to change something like that just like it would be unfair for her to ask me. We can mesh like that I know we can cause we have times where things were going really well.

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What do you plan to do for her in order to keep her? So far you've just been the biggest asshole ever.

I plan on making a change. And thats about as deep as I'll go here because it doesn't only involve my life

if you don't treat ur gf right and you're aware why the hell are you with her

Im with her because I want to be with her. The decisions I make don't affect whether or not I want to be with her

r u happy that hailey found a better guy then u

Are you happy that you somehow slipped past all those elementary school spelling tests? Besides that I am very happy she found someone shes happy with because she deserves that

Why did you skip my question? Is the answer too much for you to handle?

If yours was the big long one then i skipped it because i was busy yesterday and thought yours deserved a little thought and attention seeing as its a very delicate subject

how is your gf still with you like lol

Cause she cares about me and she is mature enough to realize that I'm not perfect and neither is this world. She wants us to work and I want us to work. We have already talked about it a lot and we both know where we sit right now.

would you even be upset if you lost your gf?..

Yea I would be very upset... I wouldn't be with her if I wouldn't be upset if she broke up with me

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