

Ask @simondimaria

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came across anyone perfec yet?

my definition of perfect is different than yours but yes according to me i have

Wow didn't know you still thought so highly of her thought u hated eachother or didn't giver a shit about her at all

Absolutely not. Just because we don't talk anymore doesn't mean we hate each other. I mean I'm not going to sit here and speak for her but I know that she has never done anything bad to me so what possible reason would I have to hate her? Just because we broke up doesn't mean we have to instantly hate each other. That would be stupid and immature. She's done nothing to receive my hate so why would I give it to her?

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Do u miss Hailey at all?! Do you think she's a bad person do u miss her in ur lifee

She is not a bad person at all. She is actually one of the better people that I do know and I would definitely mention her as one of the most trustworthy and kind people I know. She is very selfless. As for missing her, as a girlfriend no because I'm happy with who I'm with right now and I'm sure she is happy with Mitchell as well! but as a friend absolutely. She was an extremely fun person to talk to and we had a very similar view on humor. Poop and fart jokes in particular. I would talk to her any day if she wanted to. I have no hard feelings towards her at all and I actually respect her a lot for how she has handled herself and her life since we stopped talking
Liked by: Hailey Delage

How's life with the play?

Not bad. I love musicals and I also tend to work better under stress and time constraints. So this is perfect for me!

do you ever look at someone you dont talk to anymore and think "man I miss them so much"

Not really. Simply because I don't want to change who I am right now and if I dont talk to that person they are clearly not a part of who I am. But there is a handful of people that I would still talk to that I dont anymore

Do you miss someone that you have a hard time admitting that you miss?

Nope, I'd admit to missing anyone if you asked

do you miss anyone being in your life? why arent they in your life anymore

Actually there is a few people that I don't talk to anymore that I would like to still. And mainly because we just grew apart. People tend to go their own ways in high school so you can't hold on to what you have cause the next day it could be gone

hows life going for you ?

My life is pretty swell right now. I have friends who care about me a girlfriend who is always there for me and my marks are doing amazing. Couldnt be happier

have you ever been in love ?

Depends on what you consider "in love." That term is so personal and different for everyone. But as far as my definition of love is and what I want my love to be then yes I have

Are you scared of getting your heart broken

Never have never will. If I was meant to stay with someone I would. If not I have bigger and better things waiting for me in my future

Do u think ur a good bf

I know I can be a good boyfriend, but I also know that I can be a bad boyfriend. I just need to take my time making decisions and make sure I'm making the ones that I want to make. Then yes I will be a good boyfriend

if you had one chance to go back to how things used to be would you?

I would never go back to anything. Not even the happiest time of my life. I'm meant to be where I am right now and thats how I intend to keep it

ever question your sexuality ?

Not once. I know that there is plenty of people who have done it about me but I know who I am and what I am attracted to

have any secrets ?

Meh probably. Secrets don't run through my mind and I honestly don't even remember them till I need to

what makes you attracted to a girl ?

How we interact. They could be the best looking girl on the planet or the smartest or whatever, if we don't interact well than there is nothing there for me

have any regretss homi

Messing up my grade 10 and beginning of grade 11 year grades wise. Other than that absolutely not. Everything I've done has made me who I am right now and I'm quite happy with me.

OVER NINE THOUSAND Jews in a concentration camp

How do you fit 100 jews in a car? 2 in the front 2 in the back 96 in the ashtray

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