

Ask @skimmie

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If you could close one fast food chain because of disgusting food, which one would you pick?

chick-fil-a! south-east coast all the way :)

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Do you find yourself thinking more about your past, present or future?

the immediate future..as in tomorrow when ill take my (hopefully) last SAT 1

What image do you have as your desktop background?

the numbers 2500. thats right. 2400 aint enough. lol jk

neither of steph or audrey :(

Ji Hoon Bai
haha i knew ittttt!!! Well, appologies for misunderstanding your question in the first place heehee. How's KAI freaking ST??

Hmph it's so mean of you to say that to me. I thought i was ur best homestay Stupid apac swimming

are you steph.. or audrey.. cuz the question you asked was like... do i like korean bbq better or steak better. I can't answer that ♥

the person who asked you about your fav homestay probably meant the person who hosted you (your homestay) and not ur roomie

someone just asked me that. so read the answer there ;)

Didn't the question say homestay, not roomie?

Oh.. oops.. well. Best Homestay would have to be John to the Bai at my first APAC @ BRENT partially cuz he gave us so much good food. But my homestay at ISB, Alyssa was also great and we had so much fun with the kids staying like right next door with Alex :) This years APAC at HK was also great cuz we got to go out to the city, eat great steak, and play with the cutest dogs... basically GIVE ME FOOD and you'll be my fav. homestay

Who was your best APAC homestay?

WELL. THIS IS A TRICK QUESTION. Best implies that another homestay was less awesome and thats so not true. So I'm gonna make Solomon's wisdom and say my best roomie for APAC was Studreghan Jangram ;) Loved all three roomies and they made my three years of APAC unforgettable ♥
Liked by: Steph J Tessa

Do you trust your government?

of course! it keeps us free from the knowledge of potentially lethal viruses and keeps us off dangerous websites like facebook, twitter, and youtube :) #PRofChina

What role does television play in your life and the life of your family?

its life... and its mostly just taking over mine

When you go to a movie, do you like to sit in the back, middle, or front?

in front of the computer with some chocolate…
Liked by: angela

ayer, yo comí un hamburguesa y papas fritas heheh

怎么那么好! look at us speakng all these languages

YAY SO YOU'RE DONE WITH APs after tomorrow! (you kill dem essays)

if i can finish the mcq on time.. yes im done... Time for some icecream and tears :|

GOOD LUCK on your exam tomorrow!!!!!!

THANK YOU whoever you are.. i need it. gonna channel my inner chinese
Liked by: Tessa

did u have a nice, relaxing monday??

by relaxing do you mean freezing to death while taking two APs?

imitate two of your closest friends

1. (pats head) "you're so stupid..."
2(super sarcastic) "Um, excuse me? I'm beautiful??"


Language: English