

Ask @slutdr0pps

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What was the first thing on your mind this morning?

That I really don't want to do this sixthform opening thing, eugh

aww thank you hun and yeah miss nodehill too, deffo should meet soon <3

Heheh, & yes boo, i'll ask fm you when i'm free :) <3

op on sophie stratton

Soph, you're beautiful & you're such a lovely girl. You're easy to talk to & I feel like I can trust you with anything. You're so cute aha. I think we should meet soon because I don't think we've met up before have we? & omg, I miss Nodehill so much aha, love ya xo

What names do you want to give to your children?

Ocean, Minnie, Lindsay, Ella, Indie, Sienna, Lily or Jessica and for boys Austin or idk haha

CERYS U CUTE FAGGOT i love you so much stop making me cry though ples;) wish you was at medina,move you poo. god i wont half forget our days at nodehill,you remember when we first met Beef???! hahahah;) love u brain twin:* lookin forward to next saturday eh;D xxxzxxxxxz

PoppyCurling’s Profile Photopoppy:)))))
Oh you ;) OMFG BEEEEF! HAHAHAHA! remember when you popped a squeezy yougurt on the table cos you kept hitting it? Ahaaa! + yes baby, I am! I'll have to double check with mum tho :* awww! Xxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: poppy:)))))

opinion on poppy curling?

Well, where to start? I love her so much, she's like family to me. I've known her for so long, we've had so many amazing memories and I never want to let her go. She's beautiful, her hair is perf. She's just gorgeous! She's such a charecter to, she's always up for a laugh! No matter what happens, she can always cheer me up, even when i'm in the worst of moods, she's my mini Miranda. She's defo one of my best friends and that will never ever change. I love her so much, she's just the best, I miss her so much! It upsets me so much to look back on our memories of Nodehill, not being able to sleep before school because we'd be so exited to see eachother, and stalking boys around the playground ;) omg and we used to plan how we were gonna get on boys aw us. I wish we still went to the same school, but seeing her now makes it even better, I love you Poppy, never ever forget how beautiful you are x x x

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Liked by: 0reob4by poppy:)))))

yeah haha your welcome that is what we got told xxx

Thank god for that! Haha, it hasn't happened for quite a while tho, i'm sure it won't happen to much more, just keep doors locked :) ly x x x


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