

Ask @slutdr0pps

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What would someone have to do to make you dislike them immediately?

urm, just be really annoying and talk about themselves and other people badly 24/7. & when they flirt with e v e r y b o d y! and like, if they're really awkward to talk to, ffs leave.
Liked by: Zane Zuniga

cerys baby, you're beautiful, sorry I forgot you ilyily xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

jessiebull’s Profile Photo0reob4by
awwww, baby! i just agree with danielle hunt, omfg she's perfect! ooh and popsicless..and you are p e r f e c t baby! ilyily more mwah! hehehehe, :* :* :* it's fine heheh xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: Zane Zuniga 0reob4by

Why do you get so touchy about Amanda Todd? At school you get so emotional about it and you dont even no her x

well maybe to do with the fact that she made a few little mistakes and she got bullied out of every single school she went to? it makes me sick. i wish that i saw her suicide video before she killed herself, bc no one should go through that! the people who bullied her to the point that she sluit her wrosts should feel sick, the people who made her drink bleach shouldn't be able to sleep at night, and the cunts who tipped her off so fucking much to make her commit, should never be able to live it down, and i hope it sticks with them, that they made a beautiful teenager die, and lose their whole life, beacuse they wanted to give a poor girl that they'd never even made eye contact with abuse cus they have fuck all else to do with their lifes.
cards on the table, yeah you'd get a tad of abuse for doing nudes, but so many people do them, just cos a guy in some pathetic mask made her do it, suddenly made everyone wanna give her abuse..whats up with that? and what i dont get right, all the porn stars out there, they get no abuse. most of them get invited to parties and have a fucking red carpet thrown in front of them where ever they go. Amanda was beautiful, she had so much to live for. and it's not just her, is it? it's her family. imagain having to burty you're own daughter. it's so sad, and it gets me everyday.
you would of thought after she drunk bleach and almost died the first time they would of stopped. its distgusting.
RIP Amanda

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i see you're driving round town with the girl i love and i'm like, fuck you, hoooooo

Op on Emma Johnson,Poppy Curling and Kiri Barton x

haven't spoke in ages, used to be close, fucking hillarious, miss her, beautiful
Poppy; on of my best mates, like a sister, perfect, want her boobs, gorgeous eyes, miss her
Kiri; omg da ja vu much, beautiful, miss her, her hairs perf, so funny, miss her
Liked by: emma'johnson


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