

Ask @sm1s_princess

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how did you edit they only allow 15 pics max i am sorry if i am bothering :(

HAHAHAHA its okayyy! I did 16 collage ( 9pics in each) then i did another 4 collage ( 4-9pics in each) then i did the final collage, merge them all tgt x) its takes alot of time but its worth it :) i hope i made sense! x)

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which class next year?

3I5!! Since p5, the '5' just nvr seems to leave me hhahaha. But omfg 32 girls and 4 boys! Is this a jokeeeee? Cos iz nat funneh! The more girls=more drama :'( BUT ARIEL IS IN THE SAME CLASS AS ME YO! SO HAPPY!!! and sharvesh and i didn't get into the same classss * spams crying and broken heart emoji * i'm gonna miss him so muchhhhhhhh but its okay! We still have geo and tamil class tgt :') and we will spend time tgt after school :') damn just thinking abt next year makes me feel... stress HAHAHAHAAA shit i wrote too much. Sorry whoever you are! x)

tbh; you're sucha sweetheart. always there to listen to the saddest rants ever. you're really beautiful and very nice at heart.you're damn funny and i did learn some tamil ogayyy. HAH we talk alot so,you should know how much i love you aites:*

Thank you babe❤:') we know each other for afew weeks, or maybe a month now and you're such a sweet ass:* hahaha you're really beautiful AND FUNNY too yo :') yes yr tamil is getting better and better( so proud of you * tears of joy* ) HAHAHA love you lots too darlingg❤
Liked by: Harshay M o o k z


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