

Ask @sm1s_princess

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answer my question leh

hahaha as i said, it depends on how he looks at you. can be both good and bad ways. and ik this is hasna :D

what does mean when your crush keeps looking at you? Like your superman. is it normal?

depends on the way he looks at you. i nvr said superman looks at me always, he asks me to look at his eyes instead :D hahaha TMI TMI

Who is your very very very best friend ? (only choose 1)

eh wahliao what iz thiz? i kennot ans sia. got so many best best best best best best friends. i cant pick one cause im stuck between my yellow dog and my husband :( two can? pls? oh wait, hasna too. pls? and superman too? pls? amd rachel and lisa and nita too pls? and alvina and afiqah too pls? i have too many man :( BUT THE MORE THE MARRIER :D

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describe your second family. Everyone individually.

got soooo many leh :( got mother,father sister ,brother, aunty ,uncle,grand daughter, daughters husband, bf, gf

What stuffs pisses u off ?

stupid questions.
people who talk lame stuff when im not in the mood. :D i dont have much tho. OH AND WHEN PEOPLE TOUCH MY STUFF WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, OH HELL NAW.

Describe any boy from yr class ?

hmmm sharvesh? my cute handsome awesum pawshum brother. funny and always cheers me up when im down. so funny till i laugh only got air come out xD hahahhaha

What does it mean when a girl smiles at a boy?

its normal? don't people smile at each other? or is it just me smiling at strangers? well, idk. i think its a way of saying hi? idk


Language: English