
march hare

Ask @sojixn

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and the whole world is on your case, i could offer you a warm embrace. ♥ http://youtu.be/4k-W6cZ2CiY - pretty good guesses but none have been correct. hint : none, sorry.

it's sweet that you take the time out of your day to send these wonderful messages to everyone. ♥
Liked by: congenial.

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i actually have really bad memory, pmsl. so you'll be unlucky if i actually remember the comparison at all in a few days. ;( i'm not a kid, noona. i'm legal !!! yeah, it tastes pretty yucky too.

a deep inhale.
Remember what comparison? :---) legal or not you're still a kid please and I'm still your noona. Alcohol is nasty say no to drugs -

tao's qotd : who would you vote for the following - popular female, popular male, most active male, most active male, most easygoing, most hard to approach, prettiest female, handsomest male. and finally, which male and female admin would you like to know more about? ( you can't vote for yourself. )

gluteus maximus.
I don't know everyone well enough to answer that, otl.

random question of the day: have you ever feel so lonely even though you have a lot of friends' support?

karen smith
I normally prefer to be by myself, so I guess I'm used to feeling lonely. I guess the answer would have to be yes, orz.

If you had to get one thing tattooed on your forehead, what would it be?

Why would I get a tattoo on my forehead, um.

creys bc i don't know what you like. but yes, we shall bake your favorite cookies then. xD ohoho, i happen to be hiding some fancy teacups in my cabinets.

anything but Oreos, orz. they give me terrible sugar rushes - asdfghjkl. that sounds splendid - bring them to the party and we'll drink until we're drunk cx

ah, but still – once i make up my mind, it's hard change it. hahahahaha, don't laugh at me but i drink beer through a straw pmsl.

a deep inhale.
how about we erase your memory so you can forget about the comparison? c: ahAHAHA that proves my point that you're still a kid odg. beer smells nasty yuck.

tbqh, i'm not a fan of tea too. how about a 'milk & cookies' party? we can just eat oreos all day. xD

Oreos aren't my favorite either, otl. that sounds like a great idea anyways! We can bake dozens of cookies and sip milk in fancy teacups < 3
Liked by: cheshire kitten

now i'm kind of determined to make you forget about him and see me as someone completely original and not a reminder. ;p . . i think i'm drunk regardless of what i drink, tbh.

a deep inhale.
oh, there's no need to worry about that. you two are still completely different from each other, and I can't forget about him haha. he's the first kai I've met but you're still an original my dear. maybe being drunk is in your blood...or alcohol is tbh.
Liked by: a deep inhale.

pst, march hare. let's have a tea party. <3

funny thing is I'm not a big fan of tea, but there's no turning down an invitation to a tea party. < 3
Liked by: shadow.

oh - well that wasn't me then. hahaha, noona pls - go get sober. ;c

a deep inhale.
I figured it wasn't, but you reminded me of him. pmsl I'm sober kiddo don't worry. I'm drunk off juice boxes pls.

wait, you serious? maybe that was me - aha. what rp are you talking about, noona? :)

a deep inhale.
I'm being seriously serious. Noona is drunk tonight please. It's so old but it was called "The Boys".

01A67 asks : what do you think about kim jongin? he's the member of the day. – hint on who i am? "ay"

I just joined please I don't know everyone well enough - well I haven't spoken to jongin much, but he's still a kid whether he likes it or not. He reminds me of this old jongin I used to rp with three years ago ( yes that's a long time ago ) and trust me that's a good thing <3. From what I can tell he's a very sweet and genuine person, and most jongins aren't like that now :c ishiphimandjiwoncoughs

call me when you feel lonely and tell all the problems in your heart. ♥ lol, anyone else remember this song? BOUNCE WITH ME, YO. http://youtu.be/cENP3aul9lQ & this song isn't as heartfelt as the others. xD

I've never heard that song before, otl. Thank you for your kind words, stranger. < 3


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