
Ichmatu Sonia Jamal

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wish for me on 2016

anggunvm’s Profile Photoanggunvm
Hope we can make our dream comes true to be a flight attendant yaaaaa! Aamiinnnnnnnnn!??? be better than last year anggun!!!!! Semoga ga jomblo wkwkwk
Liked by: anggunvm

halo cantik/ganteng^^ Menjual Jam, Converse & Vans Galaxy/Ombre/Polos, Jansport, Case HP, Kipling, Liptint Etude, Slingbag, GelangKulit . Koleksi lengkap cek ig (@petrus_shop) #ps: tolong bantu answer agar jualannya laku. Answer kamu akan membantu.thx☺ #maaf.spam #kalau sdh prnh tdk usah answer ;D

petrus_shop’s Profile PhotoPetrus Shop

What matters to you most - money, good looks or attitude?

first of all nih. kalo money emang itu matters banget buat ngejalanin hidup. kalau gaada money gimana? gimana makan? cooking as well? buy everything we need, excatly kebutuhan primer dan skunder? even buat cek kesehatan, terus kalo sick? larinya kan go to he hospital kan? kalo yg gapunya akses or BPJS pastikan harus payment?yay kan? bukan nay-_- especially i am maybe you to and everybody thoo? gue kalo gapunya duit serebu aja rasanya beuh headache,confused wkwk oke that's enough ya about money,
second of all. good looking? pentinglah, tergantung setiap masing2 people ya. ada yg punya charismatic tersendiri from their birth until now. pastikan diliatnya udah good looking aja kan, itu beda lagi ceritanya. nah kalo semeone who doesn't have charismatic itu their should take care of their body, face, ya begitu deh. yg pasti itu penting juga.
thrid of all? attitude? yaelah nenek2 udah umur 100an juga understand how about attitude. wkwkkw yes alright, everybody must have a good attitude. misal ya sopan sm yg tua, ga konyol dibilangin, biar org suka aja gitu sama kita. ya begitu deh yg pasti lebih penting attitude than good looks or money.hehehe

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What does the World know about the country you live in?

makanan khas nya? puncak? curug? climb the mountain? mungkin. ke pantai? etc. masih banyak sih. terserah touristnya wkwkkw

What are the things you want to avoid in a relationship?

infidelity , breaking communication , ga honest , flirtatious . crisp , not romantic , baperan, ga sensitive . ah it is a thing that was really annoying:v

How to know if you are a good person?

LET PEOPLE JUDGE HOW I AM. ciakkkkk lol judge disini ada 2 maksud ya terserah dia mau judge negatif atau positif. saya sendiri tinggal senyum aja.


Language: English