

Latest answers from soovasion247

have you ever drank alcohol that wasnt at an event? (wedding, birthday, engagement) and if so, do you drink it often?

I've taken a SIP at home... And I'm a minor so I can't. I don't want to either.

What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day?

Look at my *awkward cough* new body part......

it was my birthday yesterday and got lots of cake....ever regretted eating too much cake? i dont hehe

Happy belated birthday! Unfortunately, yes. I don't have a sweet tooth so I get sick of sweet things easily ><

Favorite English song? Favorite Korean song?

English (for now) - All of Me by John Legend
Korean - ITNW ^^

How often do you smile?

pretty much 98% of the time :D I think it's one of the reasons why my cheeks look chubbier that they are jk jk XD

What's your favorite anime?

does Spirited Away count? :D or My Neighbor Totoro? Those are the only ones i know orz

Language: English