

Ask @sophiebearr

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20 facts about yourself?

1. I'm 13 years old
2. I've never met my dad..
3. I have 4 brothers and 4 sisters (not all my moms dw)
4. I'm from Essex but I live in droitwich.
5. I've moved house 7 times
6. I have 2 cats and a lizard
7. My favourite colour is pink
8. I'm slightly obsessed with sloths
9. I think niall horan is perfect.
10. I hate p.e
11. I'm scared of horses, idk why
12. I always fall in love with people that I know will never love me EVER
13. I've only been on a plane once
14. I go to London almost every month
15. I once eat an ant because I thought it tasted like jelly beans ( dont judge)
16. I get annoyed by the smallest things
17. I was kicked out of first school
18. My mom says Khloe Kardashian reminds her of me because she swears alot&shes 'sassy'?
19. Me and my brother are very alike
20. I get along with boys better than girls, idk why
yeah that's me x

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What would be perfect right now?

Honestly? Going out with someone and getting absolutley shit faced, walking round anywhere with them and just talk about pretty much anything, a perfect relationship, being able to get along with everyone, nobody slagging you off, no shitty school or anything, and just having a huge sleepover with all you're friends, that would be so perfect right now

opinion on DSHS

tbh...I hate it!
honestly, it's full of complete idiots, wherever you go your bound to get stared at or slagged off by anyone, I'm never comfortable being there, the only teacher i get along with is probably my tutor, I never feel safe anymore, there's probably about 100 cases of bullying there and the teachers haven't done ANYTHING! people there judge you, their rude&disrespectful aswell, there's nobody to talk to, people stare at you and decide they want to come stick their noses in your business, everywhere you go your bound to get people slag you off and say things about you behind your back, which ALWAYS comes back to me!!! I hardly get along with anyone there tbh, apart from my mates, and their the reason I bother coming to school! because if I didn't have them, I wouldn't come to school! There's me getting told off, when people have done exactly the same thing, in some cases WORSE! And they don't get told off for it!!
honestly, I'm not proud to say I'm a student there.

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How did you start modelling for it did you just sign up ?

both of my sisters are models they did a sibling shoot so i went, someone dropped out of a shoot so they said because my hair and makeup was already done i might aswell fill in, then my sister got me a contract for Christmas ok bye

who are your modelling inspirations? Have u ever met any celebs?

cara delevigne, barbra palvin
and no but im meeting khloe kardashian next month because she's coming to London for a lipsy shoot which is what i model for and she's launching the kardashian collection be jealous

alright calm down

nah you're alright. I've had enough of everything, everyone always treating me like shit or something they've just fucking stepped in, people taking advantage of me and using me, being judged and stared at by every fucking person i walk past and it makes me feel so shit about myself and makes me feel so down, no matter how nice I try and be to people everyone just thinks they can treat me like shit and ill be okay with it, I've tried my best to be okay about it and now I've just lost it, people make me feel special and then I realise that they're just doing that to be nice, I'm fed up of it, people make me smile by telling me stuff then for me to realise its all a load of bullshit and they treat me like shit and then make me feel invisible, it's like some people think I'm some toy they can just play with and drop when they get bored of me? No I've had enough of it so dont tell me to calm down because I've tried to stay calm about it and I can't because I'm not putting up with it, if you have a problem then write it on a peice of paper and shove it up you're ass because I'm done.

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