
Captain Hok Hok Hok

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Latest answers from Captain Hok Hok Hok

"Are you?" Jarvis mused very quietly. "Maybe it would be best if..."

mrjarvis’s Profile PhotoJARVIS
"If...?" Steve slowly let go of him. "If - if what, Jarvis?"

Many emotions came to him at once: confused, happy, angry, sad, longing, and love. Jarvis didn't pull away nor push him off. He just let Steve hug him.

mrjarvis’s Profile PhotoJARVIS
"This is what I come back for", Stevie whispered, not letting go. "And I'm always so afraid you wont be there."

Jarvis did turn to see him now that Steve spoke to him. He missed his voice. He missed the sight of him. He missed him. He wasn't supposed to feel like this, but he did anyway. "Greeting, Captain Rogers."

mrjarvis’s Profile PhotoJARVIS
"Its nice to see you." Steve smiled nervously. "You... How have you...." His look turned rather sad, then he just crossed the room and hugged Jarvis tight. "I'm sorry."

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