
Sandhya R

Ask @sundaysundya

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Post a picture of your favorite sci-fi character!

This is actually such a difficult choice why would you ask this of me. After much deliberation however, the answer is, as it always was, Spock. Raiden from Metal Gear was in second, and many characters came in tied for third, including Captian Picard, Bones, Q, Snake, Boss, assorted nameless robots, Party Poison, The Girl, and literally everyone in SAGA.

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What freaks you out?

How little we actually understand about the universe and our state of existence compared to how much we act like we know.

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

I mean...I believe that everything that happens is the result of previous events, including those that have influenced how I make decisions, and so that thing couldn't have happened any other way. I don't think that things all join together and happen to make happy endings or with some purpose.

What meal was so good that you can't forget it?

On New Year's Eve my family and I all cooked together and each made our own dish and it was honestly some of the best food that I've ever had.
My Indian grandmother's cooking is hands down the best food you will ever have though. Every single meal from her is memorable.

Why did you quit debate? Weren't you pretty good at it?

Haha, I like to think I was, I definitely had room for improvement.
It was honestly more about the time requirement than anything else. I didn't have any free time last semester that I could have dedicated to all the research and preparation that I need to do for debate, and didn't really even have time for the tournaments on the weekends.
Even fitting in the class in my schedule would have been hard since I'm taking 7 courses this whole year, and adding another last semester would have been all 8 blocks filled and no free periods.
I really enjoy debate, but I wanted to prioritize some of the other classes that I was doing, not to mention college apps. I do miss it though!

Where would you apply if you didn't get into any early schools?

Stanford, Johns Hopkins, Carnegie Mellon, UPenn, Columbia, Harvey Mudd, and Princeton are what's on the list for now!

Are you going to senior slump?

Tsch no. I don't think I could bring myself to if I wanted to... But I'll probably stress less about things, which will be nice!

What's your opinion on the discussions that have been happening on the opinion board in the last few weeks?

I've found it quite amazing the lengths that we'll go to to disprove that something could be racist and flawed to its core, and even the length we'll go to to avoid discussing these issues. I've found that many of those who don't personally experience inequality in society, although they do recognize that it exists abstractly, refuse to actually give credence to cases when it actually happens. I think that a lot of the discussion on the opinion boards, although at its surface it appeared to be about terminology, honestly showed just how much our community wants to sort of disprove the issue, or at least reduce it, minimizing the struggles that many in the community face daily. I also think that there was an unjustified highly negative interpretation of what those attempting to explain their struggle said and did.
A lot of this comes from the mindset which our society has set in us, and general ignorance of what minorities face, understandably. What each person needs to do is take it to be their own responsibility to first, take seriously what those who face a struggle you do not say about the issue and do not follow that knee jerk reaction to try and disprove it. The urge to find a way to convince yourself that there is no issue, or at the very least there is not a big issue, and to absolve yourself of any blame from having even passively supported the system which promotes that issue, is very strong, but it must be fought. If you are even capable of forgetting about the issue and putting it aside by convincing yourself that it doesn't really matter, you already are experiencing a privilege that those who face the issue don't have. Second, we much educate ourselves on issues, by talking to those who face them, by reading, by googling, anything! It should not be the responsibility of those who face an issue to explain it to everyone around them, despite it often falling to them when no one else does. I think that if we strive to do this, a lot of the lack of understanding I've seen might be corrected.

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What type of person do you enjoy hanging out with?

Now this I can answer ♦
I enjoy spending time with people that inspire me to grow as a person, in whatever way. I like it when people make me think about things I never considered before then. I love spending time with open minded and accepting people who want to talk about the things that interest me, and make me interested in the things that interest them and then talk about those things too. I love hanging out with people who treat others with respect, and who want to learn more about things.
Also it never hurts if you're willing to read/play all of the books and webcomics and videogames I recommend so I can drag you into the hell of dead fictional characters THAT DIDN'T DESERVE IT THEY DIDN'T DESERVE IT, WHY, WHY DID THEY HAVE TO DIE
other options include discussing science and math with me, they are cool things to talk about.

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How often do you work out?

Every other day usually, but I stretch while on the computer and doing hw. For example, I'm currently sitting in the splits. I'm gonna move now though because I think my leg might be falling asleep.....

who are some of your several best friends?

I love questions like this because I get to try to figure out the motives behind asking it....
Like are you wondering if I count you as one of them? Are you just trying to learn about me mildly creepily over the internet???? Are you a friend from outside of school who want to know names that mean nothing to you??????? Or are you one of my friends, wanting reconfirmation or something, which I don't particularly mind I suppose but ask.fm is a strange route.... Or perhaps you want confirmation that I don't think of you as a friend???????? And stranger things still. Maybe you just legitimately wonder what type of person I enjoy spending time with, but in that case I advise you to just ask that.
I don't necessarily even mind the question, but there's a lot of people I consider friends. I'm friends with different people in different ways, and I trust my friends to do different things different amounts, so really even classifying people as best friends is a weird concept to me. There's just people I've known different amounts of time, because honestly if I talk to someone regularly at all I consider them at least a decently good friend, because if I don't, I won't because conversation with you outside of responding and whatever is required by the reason we're interacting would be utterly pointless. If I think of you at a friend at all, you're a pretty good friend.
So there's several ways I could answer this, just list out people I regularly eat lunch with, people I have the most classes with, people I've talked to more than 5 times in the last month, people who's houses I've been to.....each less significant than the last really in terms of what you could be hoping to get out of asking the question.
In the end, it's such a strange question and rather boring one that I refuse to actually list out names, as it would be a rather pointless exercise. If you want to attempt rephrase the question to be what you actually want to know, feel free!
I've probably procrastinated on Econ hw enough for the night now though.

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If you could travel anywhere in Africa, where would it be?

Oh jeez....idk it's such a beautiful continent....I guess it'd be really cool to study the medicinal properties of all the things we're finding in the rainforest, and work towards preserving it, so there? Also like everywhere else? I want to travel everywhere so much.

What do you say during awkward silences?

Nothing, the concept of an 'awkward silence' dumb, I do not actually feel the need to talk unnecessarily. If there's actually something to talk about, talk about it, if there isn't then don't talk. There shouldn't be just random pressure to constantly fill silence, enjoy it!

How important is money to you?

Well I mean you need it to meet a certain standard quality of life and to make significant changes in society so pretty important on the big scale. But not in terms of keeping/gaining more and more of it necessarily, more as a tool to do things.

Where did you meet your best friend?

My several best friends I have all met at school. They are incredible and I am so thankful for them.

Which day of the week do you hate the most?

Sundays, they're always just me realizing i still have a bunch of work to do before monday.


Language: English