
Sandhya R

Ask @sundaysundya

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who is water for lelaphants?

One of the people I don't actually know in person, but their ask account is awesome. That's their name on here.

Who are all the people on this site that you follow?

Em, Evan, Ian, Neerja, Eva, Nixie, Hunter, Ashray, Bhavana, Tabeer, Maren, Lucy, night vale, Jackie, Julia, Isabelle, Dean, Dani, Laura, Zoe, Zachary inskeep, and water for lelaphants. I think that's all. I don't actually know everyone I follow.

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My quartet is playing Borodin quartet no 2 look it up!

I love that one! I've never played it, but I've heard it, it's awesome!

Oh gosh what did the NYO audition require?

It wasn't actually too bad, a video of you playing some piece and all these excerpts, a video of you talking about your interests in music and whatever your instrument is, and an essay (200 words though, so "essay"). Also at least 2 recommendations.

What's your quartet playing right now?

I actually don't have a quartet right now, all of my piano trio members from last year graduated :'(

Do you think Tommy is hot? I think he is

I've honestly never really considered him that way considering I barely interact with him... He's got good facial symmetry and he appears to take care with his hair styling, I guess, if that's what you're asking. The most I know about Tommy outside of his academic ability is that he's got great cursive handwriting.

20 page application was meh; I winged it a little because some of the questions were like "how many patents do you have" and I was like "I once made biscuits from biscuit mix does that count"

Heh, yeah that'll be me too. Applications are so weird in general...I was looking at this application for a violin thing once (just for fun, i don't even remember what thing it was) and it was like "how many times have you been concertmaster of your state/local youth orchestra" and then "how many concertos have you written" and I was like....um....you know....0.

I don't like how people don't want others to take pride for their own work. It's as if every time someone does something great, they can't acknowledge it too much or else it's be "bragging." I've noticed this attitude more in the United States than in some Asian countries.

Yeah, I personally think that everyone should acknowledge and take pride in what they do, not just brush it off. However, I also know how messed up the education system and society can be about valuing actual people based off grades and prizes, so I understand that stress that it can cause in others. Also, there is a line between being proud of yourself and thinking that you're better than others. I didn't think that I crossed that line, but I totally get people being stressed about that type of thing in general. Seriously though, if I ever say something bad I want to know, as it helps me self-monitor.

Who were you friends with in middle school that you aren't friends with now?

Um...Nobody really comes to mind actually. I suppose there's people that I half got to know in 6th grade that I just never became super close friends with, but no one actually comes to mind that I've actually ended a friendship with.

Have fun with the 20 page application, while you are also doing college apps

Uggghhhh not looking forward to that.

Is it true that he is really sexist and homophobic?

I don't think I know him well enough to really make that judgement honestly. I don't think that most people at our school are too openly sexist or homophobic, and I doubt anyone would identify as that. However, a lot of people show microagressions that can be just as harmful, even if you don't realize that you're doing it. An example of one would be denying that a problem exists anymore. That's a much more common problem.

Do you plan on doing intel

Ms. Baker says that I don't have a choice in the matter (jokingly). So, yes!

Summer plans? Summer with Steven?

Road trip to visit colleges, working at my lab, going camping in northern minnesota a ton with my family and Indian camping group, and probably not much free time to tell the truth.

Opinion on Tommy Toghramadijan?

Incredibly intelligent, a great debater, and not someone I've interacted much with to tell the truth.

It's not even the way you talk about grades. It's the way you mention all your activities and awards and have a really inflated opinion of yourself

I don't consider myself better than anyone else, I'm just very proud of what I do. And yes, I think rather well of myself, and I'm proud of what I accomplish, and I'm self-confident. That in no way means that I don't think just as well of everyone else, and I definitely don't think myself better. Is there something that I've said that implied otherwise? Because seriously, I want to know, because I probably misspoke and I honestly would like to know so I could rectify that.

You probably didn't set the curve...there are lots of people in our grade as smart or smarter than you like Em, Eliot, Julia Hansen, Sarah Romans, Neerja, Eli, Shaan and many more.

They're all incredibly smart people, that's true, although I really don't consider tests to be a measure of intelligence anyway. I didn't actually say that because I think that I'm particularly smarter than anyone else. But, like I said in the previous ask, just because my way of thinking doesn't connect the two doesn't mean that it doesn't for others, so if it really bother's people I won't talk about grades, we all have more important things to worry about anyway.

Stop bragging please. You just stress out other people.

I'm very sorry. I honestly didn't think about it that way. In my family we talk about grades really openly, but if it hurts other people the way you're saying I'll stop for sure.

Who was the friend you drifted away from? Why did you guys drift away?

My best friend at the time, who had been in the same violin studio. We're still friends, but I switched violin studios, and we sort of lost contact. It didn't help that we had argued a bit on that Mexico tour right before I switched studios I suppose...but mostly we just stopped seeing each other as much and both got really busy.

where do you WANT to see yourself in three years? where were you three years ago?

At a good college, with my financial and residential situation figured out, doing something beneficial towards humanity, and with a few close friendships. Hopefully with enough money to buy lots of books, and season 4 of Sherlock out.
3 years ago was during 8th grade I guess. Ugh, middle school. Well, I had great friends then that I've kept till now, one great friend that I drifted away from that year, toured with my violin group in Mexico, won math team with SPA's team, got great grades and apparently set the curve for the science final test that year, and skipped the last 2 weeks of school. I heard this year that apparently there were a ton of rumors about me that year...unfortunately I still don't know what they are, and I never heard them or who said them. Remember how I'm entirely drama ignorant? Yeah... well, probably better off for it in the long run.

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I want a big mansion that is 60% library

Oh god yessss. I could probably just read for the rest of my life, with intermittent exercise and food and be happy.
Liked by: Neerja


Language: English