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Вы когда-нибудь встречали сюрреализм в музыке? Поделитесь композициями, которые, на ваш вкус, вписались бы в такой жанр.

thepathf1nder’s Profile PhotoRay
(TRANSLATION of Q:) "Have you ever encountered surrealism in music? Share compositions that, in your opinion, would fit into this genre."
~Well here it is: , , / ~ Ну, вот оно; несколько исполнений, версий и кавера:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHSo7XxOCD4igotamatch’s Video 174093113978 uHSo7XxOCD4igotamatch’s Video 174093113978 uHSo7XxOCD4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5aArglTsvEigotamatch’s Video 174093113978 e5aArglTsvEigotamatch’s Video 174093113978 e5aArglTsvE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCL_GymgMOgigotamatch’s Video 174093113978 hCL_GymgMOgigotamatch’s Video 174093113978 hCL_GymgMOg
~ and the best ROO-can-DOO ~
~ and the late-great composer, killed by covid, Dave Greenfield (first 3 vids; 'peasant')
Вы когданибудь встречали сюрреализм в музыке Поделитесь композициями которые на

Do you like the compositions of Claude Debussy ? ~ / ~ one of my favourites: (prelude to, the afternoon of a Faun, muse) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufMQa3CKeNU ~ / / / goodmorning !

igotamatch’s Profile Photoigotamatch
Восхитительно! благодарю за такой сюрприз с раннего утра. Очень порадовал☺
Доброе утро и чудесного дня желаю вам✨☀

Emin, you have great songs, however, in your concerts and performances, you always repeat the repertoire, it doesn't change anything. Why record so much good music if you're not going to sing it live?

At various shootings and concerts, compositions are mainly performed that have become hits, which are more loved by the audience, which hit the charts of various radio stations. Also, often this or that song is specially selected for the theme of the concert.

Quel genre musical aimes tu et pourquoi celui ci ?

J'écoute vraiment de tout du rap en passant par du jazz, un petit peu de classique (mais vraiment occasionnel) variété française, funk, pop rock, eltro, j'écoute peu d'artistes des années 2000, j'ai eu la chance que depuis petit on m'a initié à la musique, mm si je trouve que je manque d'oreille pour certaines compositions, dans l'ensemble ca fait vraiment partie de la vie de tt les jours et m'élève spirituellement, et toi Noël ?
Liked by: Ræm

Dear camellia, As a high school student who studies music/aims to be a composer, I've always admired your compositions. So I wonder what should I do to be able to write good songs like you do. Might be a weird question but I 'm serious. Btw, Empire of flame sounds really terrific.

Thank you! That EMPIRE OF FLAME is so favorite song in mine. Now I'm still studying composition (though I don't study in a school), there's few things I can teach you how... But if you want me to say something, I recommend you to write a lot of genres of music. The more I wrote a lot of songs and genres, the more I could find relationship between other genres. In other words, the technique that is in some genre can be used in another genre. Progression arrangement of chords is good example. Although, every composers can't keep their motivation if they don't like music and to compose, how about that finding a new song of new genre that you have never digged yet? And I wish it spread your composition skill. Sorry for my poor English!

Language: English