
14 people

10 posts


Oh no! The poor wallabies 🥺 Haha are you like an animal whisperer, always finding the little critters? I've lived in England forever and only ever see hoggies in the same state as those poor wallabies

DovahMonah’s Profile PhotoDovahMonah
nah but I’m a farm boy at heart still and I keep an eye out for critters, I actually got growled at by a fisheries inspector for picking an eel up from a river in Scotland 😂😂😂

Venue-nya di Hakodate Research Center for Fisheries and Oceans om Jack, seminar AFAS 2016 (Asian Fisheries Acoustical Society). Terima kasih ya Om Jack atas sarannya. Sensei saya dulu kuliah di TUMSAT Tokyo, malah gak tau cara kesana 😁 Nanti kalau jadi berangkat Angga kabari Om Jack 😄👉🏻🇯🇵

Kalo mau ke Hakodate, ya pesawat yg ke hakodate saja dari Tokyo nya..
Ok, sukses ya 😊👍🏻✨

faculty of AQuatic fisheries and sciences kfs university w fa5ora awyy بتقولي كده بس علشان لسه في اولي ?? ،، غلبانه متعرفيش حاجه

HalaFouadElgheriany’s Profile PhotoHala Elgheriany
ههههههههههههههههههههههههه لا والله ابداً ابداً ??
او جايز الصراحة بس فعلا مش متخيله اني هكرهها في يوم ????

ceritanya kamukandiatas kapal trus kapalnya tenggelam?yang tau brenang cuman kamu trus didalam kapal itu ada orangtua kamu dan pacarmu?kdua orang itu orang paling yang kamu sayang banget?kirakira yang kamu tolong prtama syapa?

Larasatisukarno’s Profile Photolrs
mending ini dibaca bu :)
Ibu Susi Pudjiastuti, beliau ini:
- ngga lulus SMA, ijazah terakhir SMP
- perokok berat
- punya tatto di kaki kanan
- party goer
- beer drinker (Corona Extra)
- sering berpakaian agak sexy
- pernah menikah dan bercerai 2x
- suaminya orang asing (Jerman)
- duduk glesor di rumput Istana Merdeka diwawancara media sambil udutan (hehehe... cuek banget)
AKAN TETAPI.......................................
beliau adalah:
- owner pabrik pengolahan ikan PT ASI Pudjiastuti Marine Product dengan produk unggulan berupa lobster dengan merek “Susi Brand”, lobster2nya diekspor ke luar negri
- owner maskapai sewa beraset ratusan miliar rupiah PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air). dengan 46 pesawat propeler jenis Cessna Grand Caravan (harga Rp 20M/unit), Avanti (harga Rp 80M/unit) dan Porter
- penerima penghargaan Pelopor Wisata dari Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Jawa Barat
- penerima penghargaan “Young Entrepreneur of the Year dari Ernst and Young Indonesia” pada 2005
- penerima penghargaan “Primaniyarta Award for Best Small & Medium Enterprise Exporter” dari Presiden Republik Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
- pada saat Aceh terkena Tsunami pada 26 December 2004 pesawat Susi Air adalah pesawat yang PERTAMA kali berani terbang masuk ke Aceh demi membawa bantuan untuk korban (walo sempet terhambat masuk Aceh oleh Dephub tapi akhirnya bisa lolos masuk juga). dengan modal UANG PRIBADI beliau meminjamkan dan membiayai operasional pesawat miliknya untuk membantu saudara-saudara di Aceh selama dua minggu
- sukses dan kaya raya dari bisnis berkat hasil kerja keras dan keringatnya sendiri, bukan dari suami atau nilep duit anggaran negara
- pekerja keras, ulet, dan gigih. mulai dari bawah banget sebagai pengepul ikan di Pantai Pangandaran
- ketika bencana Tsunami rumah beliau mendadak jd 'posko' relawan, freezer lobster berubah jadi freezer korban tsunami
- rumah beliau di Pangandaran sering dijadikan tempat mediasi antara lain: pemerintah vs warga dalam kasus Sodetan Citanduy, mediasi Otonomi Baru Pangandaran dll
- berhasil mendorong percepatan Pangandaran menjadi Kabupaten sendiri lepas dari Kabupaten Ciamis
- kalo sedang mudik ke Pangandaran nyetirin sendiri pesawat jet prop-nya widiiiiww....
kepada para haters yang sudah membully beliau di socmed:
jika anda adalah sarjana tapi cuma jadi kacung dan bukan boss, ngga punya pabrik yang bisa kasih makan banyak tenaga kerja, ngga bisa menggaji pilot bule yang mahal2 itu, boro2 mampu beli pesawat terbang mobil aja nyicil, boro2 bisa pilotin pesawat bawa motor metik aja nabrak2...... mohon bisa berpikir panjang dulu sebelum menilai orang dari luarnya saja.
so ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our great lady:
Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia
#standing applause

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ceritanya kamukandiatas kapal trus kapalnya tenggelamyang tau brenang cuman kamu

What is your opinion on the quote “Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly” and why?

It's true, what one person considers "normal" isn't necessarily normal for someone else. Culture is a really big part of different normalities. (is that a word??)
One of the biggest things I can think of to put this quote in to perspective is that where I live, wild game like moose and rabbit is something that most people eat on the daily. Along with "traditional" meats like chicken, beef and pork. We're also really centered around the fisheries (not as much as we used to be though).
In certain religions, pork is sacred and it isn't eaten, but we consider it "normal" to eat pork. In places in Asia they consider dogs/cats eatable, but we think that's disgusting because we think of them as solely pets. Food is just one thing.
With how we express ourselves is a whole other topic. Certain cultures have lip disks, breed with relatives, neck rings, some religions consider it offensive (??) for women to show off their bodies and keep them covered at all times.
Not to mention every single person has their own definition of what it considered normal. Some people like having multiple facial piercings and wacky hair colors and love not looking like every other person that walks down the street. That to them could be their "normal". It all depends on perspective, where we were raised, and how we were taught.
To me, there is no "normal". Everyone is different, everyone is unique, no one is the same, and nothing is normal.

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Liked by: J Antonio Perez

okay I'll be thrown into a pool and swim around with little tadpoles and fisheries and be best friends forever and ill put you in my little kitty fanny pack and carry you around cause your my little chocolate doughnut.

But you can't eat me if you attempt to eat me I eat you and we can live in a bush with little bunnies and flappy birds and sented blankets and we can eat dandelions so wishies will grow in us and we will turn into faries a kitty fairy and a choco fairy

What do you think would be one of the best steps we could take toward ending poverty around the world?

"developing countries to improve the practices used in agriculture, forestry and fisheries and the sustainable management of forests, fisheries and natural resources have and to ensure good nutrition for all. The organization promotes greater investment in agriculture and rural development and has already helped governments to develop national programs for food security addressed to small farmers." - T.A.B

Language: English