
21.3 K people

50 posts


Was macht euch glücklich

Die warmen, grünen Jahreszeiten, Sonne, Gewitter, Roadtrips und Ausflüge/Abenteuer, meine Katze(n), gute Bücher, ausgiebige Rücken- und Schultermassagen, mittlerweile auch meine Arbeit, mein Mann, schöne Details und Kleinigkeiten, die mir ins Auge fallen, Training und die daraus resultierenden Erfolge, lange Spaziergänge (vor allem die am Abend), Sonnenuntergänge, so manche Atmosphären, gewisse Erinnerungen, Rhabarberkuchen, Gartenfeiern, Lachen, Humor, Tee, Wälder, Muscheln, Longboarding, Picknicken, bequeme/schöne/sportliche Kleidung, das Fotografieren, das ehrliche Lachen eines lieben Menschen, Moos, die viktorianische Sprache der Blumen, Blumen generell, das Schreiben, warme nostalgische Sommernächte, Grillenzirpen, Sternschnuppen, Sommerstürme, Vogelgezwitscher, Naturgeräusche, die Natur im allgemeinen, Wellenrauschen, Popcornwolken, leckeres (gesundes) Essen, Kinobesuche am Abend, die gemeinsamen Fahrten + das gemeinsame Trainieren mit einem liebenswerten Menschen, Dankbarkeit, wenn sich jemand Kleinigkeiten merkt und wenn jemandem kleinere Details auffallen, entspannte Gespräche, historische Serien/Filme, meine Katzenfreunde (denen ich auf meinem Spazierweg oft begegne), Schaukeln, Karussellwippen, Sommerjahrmärkte, Lichterketten, Lichterketten in Bäumen, saftiges Obst, wenn es zwischen einer Person und mir einfach "klickt" und man sich ohne Missverständnisse versteht, der Mond in all seinen Facetten, ...

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Liked by: M 25 Yunikäfer

😍Me Llamo 🎀Me Dicen 👫Soltera O Relación 💑A quien ves bonita 💏Quien te gusta 😎Que te gusta de esas personas 🎤Cantante Favorito 🎶Canción Favorita 🚬Fumo 🍻Tomo 😡Celos 😄Color Favorito 😏Algo que te vuelva loco ⚽Deporte Favorito 🌅Calor O Frió

Brandon🙄, El Brayi me dice Brandi 😂😐, soltero, secreto, 😏, la sinceridad, varias, no fumo y tomar depende pero un poco no exagero, azul y negro, algo ahí, longboarding 😍 y el frío 😏

Can't seem to get an answer online; earlier today I was involved in a minor accident and was run down by a motor bike. (I'm fine, just bruised and sore).. I've got a bad headache and feel slightly dizzy, but didn't hit my head. This was like two hours ago, would it be okay to sleep now?

Could be a concussion. My ex had one after a nasty longboarding accident. We just had to wake her up every hour or so and she was good. If you don't have anyone to keep an eye on you then you may wanna hold off.
Also it's good to know you're ok :)

I read board and thought of longboarding but then I'm like no wait maybe surfboarding or maybe skateboarding but then skateboarding and longboarding are similar. I mostly game or work on art stuff but I'd go longboard more if I lived closer to my town rather than in BFE

Sweet I skate and wakeboard ✌?️?

Otázka pro vás!?⬇ Oblíbený měsíc, barva, jídlo a činnost?♡ { Na mé stránce najdeš maratón ♡συтfιтѕ ωєαяιиg ςєℓєвяιтιєѕ♡, budu ráda, když se koukneš, popřípadě zanecháš likes ( jenom, pokud se Ti to líbí❤ ).? Také bych byla ráda za názor na maratón, popřípadě jaký udělat příště!?? NENUTÍM!? }

♡Merry Christmas with Kirsten♡
Mesiac: September ?
Farba: modrá ?
Jedlo: pizza ?
Činnosť: longboarding
☁ NEWS ☁
? Aja pridala nové fotky pravdepodobne z nejakej oslavy ?
Popisok 1: Flower girl joy.
Popisok 2: Cute!!!
Popisok 3: Okay last one.
Popisok 4: Let's get this party started!
Popisok 5: Cousins.
Popisok 6: By babes.
Popisok 7: Fam.
(fotku č. 6 pridal aj Dan na IG s popiskom: my girl)
- Mrs. Reynolds

Tbh// we have SO much in common it's scary. You need to show me that longboarding tunnel you were talking about👌 and when it gets warm again I'll get us into raging rivers free👍

Cade Rauser
I've literally never met another person who loves the song Freaky Me, Freaky You as much as I do. And as long as you're not afraid of snakes, and aren't scared of dark tunnels where you can't see anything in front of you, then I'll definitely show the tunnel.☺️ But I look forward to seeing you again.

You're welcome! Man all these stupid pervy anons you get aye Lol seriously ya'll need to leave the lass alone& stop pissing her off with your stupidity& what not alright😂 Ye I don't know you but you're gorgeous& your hair's fab as fuck

Awh why thank you :)
I went longboarding and cooled off so I'm better now anyways but thank you so much love 😘

What's something you love about your home state? :) (one you have lived in the longest and consider home)

I've lived in California and Minnesota about equal but I consider my home state Minnesota.
I love it because we have so many awesome things going on here.
I love that some days we can step outside and not know whether we should wear our winter boots or flip flops. I love it because you can go longboarding one day and go snowboarding the next because there's SNOW IN FRIGGIN' MAY and the fact that "up north" can be considered a valid vacation spot. And the fact that building an igloo is something that you get graded on in class in many schools ?
It's just a weird, loveable place
Liked by: alli Nicole Kale

Si te dieran a escoger entre el longboarding y tu novia/ amiguita (una no la volverás a ver jamás) cual escogerías?

Bueno, si escojo la Longboard pues en algún momento se va a romper, si escojo la Jeva o novia pues quizás me deje de querer o amar y se marche... Quizás la LongBoard me cause heridas físicas pero peor es una herida sentimental. La novia o Jeva me da cariño, apoyo , amor cuando mas lo necesito o cuando mas necesito a alguien pues ahí creo que estará ella. La Long pues tal vez me consuele pero no como alguien.

Ik wil wat met make-up - lifestyle - en ik wil gwn een beetje mijn Style duidelijk maken. Ik heet jade , mn hobby is fitness en longboarding , ik ben 14 jaar en wil graag een aparte naam weet jij iets? Of is het beter gwn je voor en achternaam ? X

Niceee uhmmm maybe jadelicious ofzo hahaha klinkt wel cute
Liked by: brad

Dokończ zdania :) lubię... nie lubię... kocham... nienawidzę... uwielbiam... nie przepadam... chcę.... marzę.... jestem.. tęsknię... brakuje mi... potrzebuję.... muszę.. /Miłego dnia :)))

Lubie sporty ekstremalne , nie lubie ludzi którzy oceniają "książki po okładce" , kocham moje rodzeństwo, nienawidze łamania kości , uwielbiam skyterstwo , nie przepadam za "ludźmi na chwilę" , chcę dostać porządny motor, marzę o przejażdzce z Rafałem Sonikiem w Dubaju , jestem spokojną osobą , tęsknie za bratem bo jest w Anglii , brakuje mi dawnych znajomości, potrzebuje sezonu na longboarding , muszę nic nie muszę tylko moge :P

Cosa pensi della gente che usa la Longboard? secondo me sono due mondi diversi, skate e long, entrambi stupendi ma spesso c'è odio, gli skater considerano poser i longboarder. Il poser é quello che finge e si atteggia non quello che slida in 10 modi diversi pure co' le buste dell'esselunga PORCODDIO

Il longboard non è skateboarding è un mezzo di trasporto è come bmx e ciclismo tutto il rispetto di sto mondo perchè molte discipline sono difficilissime e pericolose con i long ma lo skate è la transizione o lo street quello è longboarding per me è diverso e nei park non ci dovrebbero sta

Bist du mit der Präsentation deines Kolloquiums schon fertig? Wenn ja,wie hast du sie gegliedert bzw. worauf gehst du ein?:-)

vorhin gemerkt, dass ich viel zu viel hab, muss also noch überarbeiten, ansonsten ja. hab es ähnlich wie meine facharbeit gegliedert, und rede über the waves of skateboarding, die entwicklung in deutschland, longboarding und evtl über the lords of dogtown

Hey❤ ¿deporte favorito?,¿Idolo?,¿Helado o Chocolate?,¿algo lindo?,¿mejor foto?,¿que odias?,¿musica? Ya Te Sigoo ¿¿Me Siguess?? Pasate<33

- Pues longboarding supongo:3
- Laura Prepon.
- Helado.
- Ser correspondida, equisdé.
- Odio las putas religiones, a las chonis..
- Rock, screamo, post-hardcore.

Iba Kim, Mi papá viene mañana, y Family es Family pero estoy poniendole eso a la gente para que se apunten y apoyen, porque El país apoya el Surf, el Sk8, el futbol, pero Longboarding está caidillo, y mala nota, decile a tus compas que se apunten también! pura vida Kim ☺

hanselalvarado’s Profile PhotoLowchargers_$$$
:( oh entiendo bebé.
Si gente, con todo💪
Para la próxima será❤
Costa Rica debe crecer más y no solo con el futbol😉
Te apoyo al 100%😘

What is one thing that happened in your life that without it happening, you would never be where you are today?

I don't know. While I was longboarding a couple of years ago, I had a moment of clarity where I realized that I didn't give a fuck about what people thought of me. That was really nice
Liked by: Alex emdogg. Jessica

Ahoj páčia sa ti naše otázky? poprípade chceš ešte naše otázky dostávať? prečo ich chceš? alebo prečo ich nechceš? dnešná otázka : Venujete sa nejakemu športu ktory je fakt pre vás dôležity? ˇˇˇ? (dávajte nám otazky o obrazky outfitoch a pod.)

ano pacia
ano ceeeem
davate originalne otazky :333
a spoooort....fuha....asi maximalne longboarding :)
a otazky pravidelne davam :)

❤Kiubo Pues Parcero/@ De donde sos voz? Te gusta tocar algun instrumento ? Que deportes queres practicar? De que religion sos? Pashate UmUr

Holi ?, soy de Perú , tocó la guitarra ??, práctico longboarding ?, soy católico, ahora me paso ✌️

How sorry I am for that. One day I hope you forgive me because Steven you are honestly my best friend I have Jayden and Cameron but I normally ask you for advise or I'll ask you to go longboarding with me and I thank you for being here for me when I need it you have no idea how much that means to me

Yeah of course danny!
If you ever need help with something text me

Hola, me gusta mucho tu cuenta :-) ¿te molestaría hablarme un poco sobre ti? me pareces alguien interesante. Espero no malestar.~

FAQ. ?
✦ Nombre:
— Me llamo Isidora, prefiero que me llamen Touka.
✦ Edad:
— No la diré.
✦ País:
— Chile.
✦ Orientación sexual:
— Heterosexual.
✦ ¿Color favorito?
— Negro.
✦ ¿Animales favoritos?
— Me encantan los gatos, los perros, erizos, búhos, hámsters, tortugas, etc.
✦ Gustos musicales:
— Me gusta el thrash metal, el funk metal, hardcore punk, crossover thrash, principalmente. Mis bandas favoritas son: favoritas son: Suicidal Tendencies, Infectious Grooves, Misfits, Slipknot, Blink 182, Pink Floyd, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Nirvana, Arctic Monkeys, The Sex Pistols, Ramones, Joy Division, Suicide Silence, Chelsea Gring, Abandon All Ships, Attila, Bring Me The Horizon, All Time Low, A Day To Remember. Cantantes: Charli XCX, Tove Lo, Jake Bugg, Lana Del Rey, Sky Ferreira, Sia.
✦ Libros:
— Pregúntale a Alicia, Las ventajas de ser invisible, La trilogía de "Buenos días Princesa", Pídeme lo que quieras y su continuación, 50 Sombras de Grey, etc.
✦ Pasiones/Adicciones:
— Me apasiona escribir, el skate, longboarding y la danza, ya sea freestyle o alguna otra.
✦ ¿Tatuajes o piercings?
— Aún no me tatuado, pero pronto lo haré. Piercings tengo varios, entre estos: septum, navel, tongue, smiley y quizá pronto me haga los nipples.
✦ Descríbete emocionalmente:
— Soy muy frágil, me ilusiono rápidamente, la mayoría del tiempo soy tierna con quién verdaderamente lo merece, y tengo el mal de encariñarme muy rápido.
✦ ¿Te has cortado?
— Sí, y hace un tiempo lo he dejado.
✦ ¿Qué redes sociales usas frecuentemente?
— Facebook, twitter, tumblr y ask.fm.
✦ ¿Tienes alguna fobia?
— No que yo sepa.

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Your pretty. I also love the fact that you are a longboarder as well as me. I have been longboarding for almost 5 years and it is so refreshing to see somebody in small town Iowa doing something like that. Keep it up!

Riccardo Slopps
Thanks! Ive been doing it for a year and no one else understand how much fun it is. I'm glad someone else agrees. Nothing is better than longboarding! It's also something for all ages but not everyone can do it. Gosh I love longboarding
Liked by: Madison Volk Ashley

You never watched boxing in your life. this is probably your first match. You suck at longboarding too

Nah ive probably seen like 5 in my whole life, and i dont wanna be good at longboarding you pile'o mangoes

tbh UR profile photo on here makes me cry w joy bc u and Sarah and SOSOSOSOSOOOOOO cute and she's so pretty omg u guys just, awww awwww awwww awwww but anyway ur still the person I have most common interests with-still my only similar personality person, so ur cool n funny n have great interests;D

cathy langille
OMG Cathy ur fuckin great, and we need to go longboarding soon ;)

estou bem e vc moço? longboarding bacana! aqui onde moro muitos praticam, estou vendo se as pessoas do Ask pratica algum exercício rs...to parada e afim da fazer algo que alivie mais minha dores nas costa! :/

Que bom que tá bem, aqui tá tudo certo. Isso, longboarding, é bom mesmo praticar algum esporte, espero que ache um em breve.
Eu acabei achando um vídeo super tosco de quando a gente estava aprendendo a andar, a uns 7 anos atrás kkkk. Até mais Aisla.
http://youtu.be/6XrGlMBJ9-4THESINNERMAN’s Video 125787723336 6XrGlMBJ9-4THESINNERMAN’s Video 125787723336 6XrGlMBJ9-4
Liked by: Ariel

Divná otázka.Potrebuju nasbírat informace ohledně sportu.Co vis o tom, co je zdrave a co není pro sportovce?Co je dulezite pro sportovce? Co má a nemá jist po tréninku?Prostě...Nemusíš odpovídat na tyhle otázky,ale prostě napiš cokoli, co vis o sportu atd..Pokud nechceš,jak to mas se sportem ty?

Snažím se cvičit denně :) promiň že sem neodpověděl na ty ostatní,jsem teď bez času :) plus u mě vede Longboarding :)

Annie was at Sonnys house. I saw her sitting there through his front window. Were you there too? It was Friday night I think.

hahahahah!!!! I was with Sonny all day on Friday. we went longboarding after school then to Kayla's house. don't even try anon

tbh: Hi Matthew, you're my cousin so that's cool, we've had some pretty good memories especially when you scarred your forehead on that branch or longboarding to gill haha, we're pretty close when it comes to being family, you're really funny and we should hang soon cousin

ya mang!
comeover and play skate 3 soon

i could treat you so much better than ben. i would take you out for romantic picnics call you my princess we would be super cheesy and id make you fancy dinners every night

lol clearly you dont know me:")
im not 'romantic' and i dont wanna be called 'princess' and a little cheesy is okay but not super cheesy gross no offence & i dont like fancy dinners i liked when me and ben ate mc dicks together not fancy 5 corse shit & for your picnics id rather be longboarding
thanks, but i like ben not you and you cant treat me any better

Tbh-ur naked ontop of him. Your really cool and fun to talk too aha! We should hang more and go longboarding once then streets are clean of Dwayne Johnson. Get it. But yeah your really pretty and we should party sometime cause you just might be a little fun a little bit of the time

I❤️your house insurance

"we're all addicted to something that takes away the pain" damn it now that song is stuck in my head wow thanks I don't even know what song it is

joseph's music will get stuck in my head sometimes and i'm like wait what is going on because it's all pop punk longboarding stuff and i don't know any of it

Rate:10 tbh we are kinda friends and we ding ding ditched the one guy in the summer and you got caught ahah. You are funny and good at longboarding and we should hangout in the summer

Blade Goding
Hahah lol yeah and we should...that guy was fast
Liked by: Tyrese Dustin

Your not even good at long boarding you can't do any slides or nothing all you do is bomb hills my 6 year old cousin can do that. I bet you wont post this, you will delete it because your a coward.

aahha no I ain't no coward and I don't spend every day of my life Longboarding so of course I ain't gonna be gud at it and I don't even care :))))

tbh Shae we used to be really close in the summer and your my long boarding buddy (: but we need to chill soon because we don't really talk to much anymore tho ):

Danielle Dodd
Awe I miss u girly and yes we should chill soon, ps I'll always be your Longboarding buddy, I got a new board (: text me sometime

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